Chapter 61 : We love You

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Magnus snapped his fingers and changed Alec into comfortable clothes. 

Alec was still sad and he was sobbing . Every now and then tear drops coming out of his eyes and he was wiping that before they could fall on his cheeks . Magnus was looking at his shadowhunter with sad , helpless eyes.

Jace went to his home taking Ali. Max was tucked in his nursery by Magnus after Alec made him sleep on his shoulder humming Max's favourite lullaby.

A stray tear came out of Alec's eyes. Magnus wiped the tear with his thumb. He scooted a little close to Alec and circled his arms on Alec's head placing it on his chest. 

Alec snaked his arms around Magnus' middle and snuggled more into Magnus.

*sob* ...*sob*....

Magnus felt his shirt wet.

Magnus kept his head on Alec's head . Soon Alec felt his ears wet.

Alec looked up at Magnus.

Alec's sobbings stopped. He quickly wiped his tears and asked " Magnus ...???"

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter.

"Oh..god...Magnus , why are you crying dear...?" asked Alec to his warlock.

Magnus said " I ...I ...I was standing there like a statue. "

Alec looked at Magnus confused.

" I should be the one who should be protecting you and Rafe ...I should be the one stopping you from falling from the stairs today. Rather I was standing there like a statue..." said Magnus.

Alec looked at Magnus settling his warlock's feelings.

"Will you still be able to love me knowing that , today what was about to happen to you was done by the evil of Asmodeus ...who came to your life and now making plans every moment to kill you ....just because of me ...???" asked Magnus looking at Alec.

"Alexander , just were dying in the Edom palace because of me, you were stabbed by my sister because of me , you were about to lose our baby twice ...that too because of me...I am the trouble in your life...Alexander..." said Magnus to his shadowhunter.

Alec looked at Magnus.

He did not say anything .

"Magnus ....." said Alec.

Magnus looked at Alec.

"You should be thankful that my pregnancy hormones are making me sad ....more....and not angry .....because what you just said ...after that you should be definitely banned from my  bed for the next seven days ...and you must not be getting my precious kisses, hugs and cuddles. " said Alec crossing his arms on his chest.

Magnus looked at Alec and said " I really banned...???"

Alec did not say anything and he was sitting beside Magnus with a serious face.

"Love....????....Oh banned from the bed...really...???" said Magnus.

Alec looked at Magnus now and said " As much as I wanted to ban you from the bed but I could not because ....we love you a lot. " said Alec to Magnus.

"Oh ...thank god...I am not banned .." said Magnus sighing a relief.

"I just said that I love you and all you care for is that you are not banned from bed..." said Alec smacking on Magnus' shoulder.

"Whoao....!!!!" said Magnus.

Magnus chuckled and held Alec from his middle kissing Alec's small baby bump.

Alec chuckled with the tickling  .

"Magnus....I was dying on the Edom floor...not because of you...I chose to die to save you ..., Shinyun stabbed me , you were not responsible for that ...I refused Shinyun because , I love you and only you ...also your sister was an idiot who did not really understand what a gay is....I was about to lose Rafe twice...that was because of Luci are no way responsible for that..Asmodeus will not be able to do anything to me...because your love is protecting me everytime, whether you apply your magic or not , I will be protected by you with your love, your love is my lucky charm Magnus......" said Alec . He bent and kissed his Magnus on his head .

Magnus looked at his shadowhunter.

Alec said " And my husband , you said you are the trouble in my life ....and you are right . You made me to fall for you , every single day that now  I love you  deeply and madly ....I can do anything for you...can't you see . Even being  a man ...I am lying here like a fat penguin being pregnant with your child only because , I love you ..."

Magnus chuckled .

"Oh ..Love you are not fat ...actually you are getting sexy day by can turn me on anywhere...." said Magnus smiling at Alec.

"Oh...really ...???" asked Alec amuzingly.

"Yes , my fat penguin" responded Magnus.

Alec opened his mouth in shock...

He threw a pillow on Magnus' face and  said "You just called me fat  penguin."

"Haha....haha..." laughed Magnus under the pillow.

Alec laughed along with his husband.

" are calling yourself a fat penguin now...what will you call yourself...a few months later...'huge whale' ???" said Magnus laughing .

Alec threw another pillow at Magnus and said " No...warlock...I will become your pet elephant..."

"That's sounds Mama elephant..." said Magnus.

Alec blushed furiously as Magnus called him Mama Elephant .

Magnus looked at Alec and said " are so adorable....."

Magnus kissed Alec's belly and said " I hope , you also inherit your Dada's blushes like your Soudara...."

Alec smiled a little at Magnus . He had seen Rafe in his dreams. He was going to look exactly like Magnus except the eyes. Alec looked at Magnus lovingly. He smiled at his warlock . He did not say anything. He allowed the future to reveal itself on its right time .


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