Chapter 95: Deserve Pt2

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"I love you " said Alec.

"I love you too " said Magnus.

Alec smiled at his warlock.

There was a knock on the door.

Alec was startled.

Magnus held Alec and said " Love are you alright ?"

Alec nodded his head and said " Yes, Magnus , just did not expect anyone to visit us at this late hours"

Magnus said " Who thought of disturbing the High Warlock and the Clave's Inqusitor at this ungodly hour?"

Alec said " May be someone needed our help. "

Magnus smiled and said " You are always thinking of helping others don't you ..."

"Learning that from you , dear. " said Alec.

Magnus chuckled at his husband.

There was a knock again on the door.

"Give Max to me , and run for the door." said Alec to his husband Magnus.

"I am coming behind you , it will actually take me some time for that.." said Alec smiling.

Magnus chuckled and said " I understand , my fat penguin ."

And Magnus sprinted towards the door.

Alec opened his mouth in shock and said " I will keep that in mind and you will be punished for that . "

Magnus looked back and winked at his shadowhunter.

Alec chuckled at his warlock.

Magnus went away from Alec's sight.

Alec looked at Max in his arms . Max was looking at his Dadda and was smiling at him already.

"What ?" asked Alec to his two years old boy.

"Dadda , you'r fat penguinnnnee" said Max.

Alec's jaws dropped.

"Really , Sweetie , you too..." said Alec in shock.

Max giggled and flew away from his Dada.

"You , little get into my hands , I will teach you a lesson.." said Alec showing fake anger .

Alec was helpless, as he was not been able to run , neither behind his husband and nor behind his baby boy.

He rather pulled himself up from the chair and chuckled in his mind. 

Alec moved out from the kitchen to see who came on his door.

He waddled near the door.

But Alec was shocked  with what he saw in front of him.

"Magnusssss!!!!!!!!" half-screamed Alec.

Alec saw that Magnus was in the grip of Lilith, the most dreadful woman of Edom . Alec looked around . There was a painting handy . Alec pulled  a seraph blade from  a secret hole in the painting.

Alec looked at Lilith and called " Max , Sweetie..."

Max ran out from his playroom and said " Yeshh , Dadda..."

"Come to Dadda , quick " said Alec .

Max ran towards his Dada.

Max looked in front at Magnus and Lilith and said " Dadda , Pappa..."

"Sweetie , Can you pull Papa out of that bad lady's grip ?" asked Alec.

Max looked at his Dada and nodded.

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