Chapter 98 : Baby Shower

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"Alexander  ,where are you going...?" asked Magnus pulling his eyes up from his magic book which he was reading arduously.

"Um..actually , I am bored so was thinking of going a little out in the garden..." said Alec sheepishly.

"Oh...really ...?" asked Magnus.

"Um , yah..." said Alec now a little hesitantly.

"Catarina has prescribed a complete bed rest for you for this whole month , Alexander . Have you forgotten that ?" asked  Magnus in a tune of scolding his husband.

"Actually , I was bored Magnus ..." said Alec.

"Hmm....bored ...where is Max , your all time entertainer..." said Magnus.

" He is sleeping.." said Alec.

Magnus kept his book on the couch and said " Oh , I see.."

Magnus sighed and said  " Alexander , if you were getting bored , you should have called me over the phone instead of walking upto here all by yourself. "

Magnus went to his shadowhunter.

Magnus held his shadowhunter and made him to sit on the  couch.

Alec sat on the couch . It was his last month of being pregnant with Rafe . He was prescribed complete bedrest by Catarina.

But Alec being Alec could not be on bed. He was always finding his way to get out of the bed and find  his way out.

Magnus had a hard time to keep Alec inside the room all the time.

"Magnus , don't worry , dear , I am prefectly alright " said Alec.

"Yes , I know , you are perfectly alright , that's because you were on bed taking rest. I don't want to take any kind of risk this time.." said Magnus rubbing Alec's shoulder.


Alec sighed and said " I understand you , Magnus. I am lucky to have you by my side. You have made Asmodeus' curse a boon to me.."

Magnus smiled .

"It's all for my sake , Alexander . Because I love you .." said Magnus.

Alec smiled and nodded his head .

"And now you are going to get back to the bed ..." said Magnus.

Alec smiled and said " Let me sit beside you for some time, please. I promise, that I will go to bed after some time.."

Magnus smiled . He kissed Alec's forehead and said " You know , you look cute , when you promise like a child. You are in competition with Max's cuteness. "

Alec chuckled .

"Ouch...ouch.." hissed Alec.

"What ...what happened ? Alexander , is it time ?" asked Magnus.

Alec nodded his head and said " No , Magnus , It's that , he is kicking everywhere ..."

Magnus said " Oh , he must be excited on something.."

Alec chuckled on Magnus' words.

But , to make Rafe's excitement true , there was  a loud knock on the door.

Magnus looked at Alec and Alec looked at Magnus in turn.

"Who could it be ?" asked Alec.

Magnus said " The answer will be at your service very soon. "

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