Chapter 1: Should I drive you home?

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I stepped out of the shower as I wrapped the towel around my body. It should be around 8 by now. Usually I wouldn't be awake at this time, but today were the dance auditions for upcoming tour.

I just released positions 3 months ago and since COVID finally stopped, we could start to prepare for tour. To be honest, I couldn't be happier at the moment.

I was living my best life in my house, with my dogs, piggy and of course my boyfriend.

I made my way into the bedroom which was connected to my room. I started to do my make up since I had to be in the venue at half past nine or something like that.

As everyone knows me-I'll be late as always. When I finally finished my make-up. I put on an oversized sweater and some combined thigh highs.

Afterwards I made my way out into my Tesla. Quickly I started the motor and drove off to the venue.


„Hey guys" I greeted as I made my way into the big venue hearing my heels clicking.

„Hey Ari, what's up?" Tiley, one of my dancers asked me and I nodded with a small smile.
„I'm good, and you?"

„I'm good too, when are the people coming up?" he questioned taking a sip of whatever it was in his red solo cup.
„I guess at 10 there will be the first once's"

My eye caught Brian and Scott going trough some lists as I decided to walk over to them. I greeted them with a hug before we went trough the list together.

„You picked 20 dancers of 500?" I asked him with widened eyes.
„Yeah, these were the best ones, 10 today and 10 tomorrow" I shrugged and nodded at him.

At some point it was already 10 and the first people came inside. There were many men but also a lot of women as I looked trough.

„Okay guys, we already know each other since the last time we did some moves, how are you feeling today?" Brian asked them, they all replied ‚good' with a bright smile on their faces.

I also went closer to them and as they recognized me they jumped happily. Some were squealing, the others just tried to shrug that off with a cool attitude.

„Hey guys, I'm so glad to have y'all here. As you know we need 5 new dancers. Give your best and I hope you'll have fun" I said and they clapped before everyone made their poses.

Brian and Scott showed them the choreography and to be honest, they really got the vibe quickly. Three guys and a girl especially caught my eye.


„Okay guys that's all for today, we need to discuss a few things afterwards we'll tell you who's on tour with us" Scott uttered as both of the twins walked toward me.

„They're pretty good huh Ariola?" Brian asked me and I rolled my eyes back at the nickname.
„You could say so Biscuit"

„I think the best one were Brandon, Cameron, Kai and Shay" Scott uttered as he pointed to the boys and the one girl.

„I hope she's okay with it that she's the only girl in this group who got voted for" I mumbled.
„Why shouldn't she be? She's an amazing dancer Ariana and that's a big opportunity for her."

„Yeah Scott's right, she got the vibe" I sighed and nodded.

The three of us made their way back, closer to the group of people.

„Okay guys, please don't be disappointed, y'all did very good but just the best can join us." Brian spoke up as they gave him all the attention.

„Kai Brown, Brandon Dawn, Cameron Harper and Shay Davis. You danced very good and we discussed about it, we're sure you should join us on tour" as soon as one of the twins said these sentence, a big smile appeared on their faces.

I was looking at Shay who was letting out a deep breath causing me to chuckle. She was really not bad looking. She had these beautiful eyes. She was really beautiful though.

We said bye to the rest as they went out of the venue so we could talk to the five who made it.

„Are you good?" Brian asked them and they nodded.
„So you did a great job today. You are really talented and I'm glad we can work together. I hope you know that sessions can be very exhausting but you'll make it. You can go home and relax a bit. The next session is on Wednesday."

„I'm also very thankful. You did a great job and I'm sure tour is gonna be fun. Thanks guys." I said with a smile.

I pulled every of them into a tight hug saying goodbye afterwards I took my bag and made my way out.

Just as I wanted to sat into my car, my phone rang.

„Hey" I said into the speaker waiting for a reply.
„Hey, where are you?" my boyfriends voice appeared making me smile.

„Actually I'm on my way home"
„Oh okay, I won't be home today. I uhm-need to do something in the office for some houses. But I'll be there soon okay?" he uttered making me pout.

„Oh-that's okay, I'll probably go to Courtney's then"
„Okay, bye" just as I wanted to say ‚I love you' he hung up. Weirdo.

I put my phone back into my bag and before I could sat into my car I heard someone cursing. I giggled a bit turning around just to see Shay I guess when I remember her name right.

„You need any help?" I raised my voice a bit but not too loud. Her head snapped in my direction as she picked something up from the floor.

„Oh-uhm-I'm sorry I was just-my phone fell down and it cracked" she replied sighing a bit. I walked over to her and now I noticed how beautiful she actually was.

I mean I already said that she had these beautiful eyes but, she was literally one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. She had those plump lips and white teeth. Of course a cute nose.

„Uh-you need to call someone?" I asked her and she nodded.
„I just wanted to call my friend, she wanted to pick me up like 20 minutes ago but I guess she forgot" she mumbled the last part looking down and I started chuckling.

„Here, you can call her" I told her handing her my phone. She thanked with a smile before she typed in a number.

A few minutes later she handed me back my phone and sighed.

„Thanks for your help"
„No problem, is she gonna pick you up?" I asked and she shook her head with a smile.

„She got drunk with some random guy and is in some hotel I don't know"

„It's 1 pm like she already got drunk?" She nodded with a laugh following.
„She's dumb"

„I'm gonna go Ariana, I'll see you on Wednesday, right?" I nodded smiling at her. She was a bit taller than I. I guess maybe like 5'4 inches.

„Okay, bye then" she said and waved at me before she started walking.

Should I-

„Shay wait" I yelled running to her.

„Uhm-should I drive you home? It's really not a problem for me." I faced her.


Hey guys, a new book :) I hope you like it. Sorry for any mistakes. If you didn't check up my other book -> Heaven🤎

Stay safe please

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