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Jails. Do you know how much your ass hurts when you stay in a jail ''bed' for two days, waiting for someone to show up and get you out of this place? Well I do, and it's not funny. This place is really disgusting and depressing. Everything here is painted in dark grey and the smell is even worse. It smells of desperation.

I feel the tears; the screams hidden behind these four walls slipping into my heart, weighting it.

I wasn't thinking when I tried to steal that damn car. It was my first time tough and I had no experience with it. I'm not a thief, I just played Truth or Dare with the wrong people, I guess. My friends in this town are not the supportive ones. As soon as the car alarm rang, they ran away and I was left all alone, by myself.

How stupid I am.

''Grace?'' Someone calls my name at the end of the hallway. I bite the inside of my cheek because I'm sure I'm just imagining it. No one will come. The only person I can count on, is miles away from here and he won't be coming back to rescue me.

''Grace Williams?'' Again, this time a man, shows up in front of my cell. I stand up and my bones start to make strange noises. I guess that's what happens when you stay frozen in the same position for hours.

''It's me.'' I smirk to the white-haired man in uniform. He doesn't smile back, just looks at me like he would do if he were in front of a lost puppy. I look down at myself to check my outfit. I pull down my shorts and pass my fingers under my eyes to clean up the smudged make-up. My fingertips are covered in black, I'm surprised my eyebrow pencil has lasted so long anyway.

When I step out of the cell, the cold hits me hard making me shiver. It turned September a few days ago and it's already started to break. I embrace myself. I feel so tired and strange that I barely recognize myself.

''You've been released. Say Thanks to your brother,'' the old guard says glaring at me with reproachful eyes. I scroll my shoulders at his judging looks and walk past him to meet my beloved brother. I've missed him so much, but then suddenly I freeze. I know what he's going to say about me, about my clothing. My boots and my little - too little - top, along with my mini shorts and my heavy make-up. I don't like to disappoint him; I don't like to make him see this part of me because it's only the outside of who I am. The shield that I created to keep everyone away. I hate people who think there is no difference between who you are on the inside and what you let them see about yourself.

I walk over to my brother. He's waiting for me outside the building with his arms crossed, moving his weight from one leg to the other. I speed up my pace, finding myself running towards him. When I'm only feet away he turns around and I jump in his arms. My favourite shelter. He steps back a few paces before realizing it's me and then gladly lets his arms cover my body. Nothing feels like home more than my brother's embrace. Every time he does it I come back to be the little more me, who forgets to be mad at him.

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