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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

Next morning the sky is dark however my heart is happy for no apparent reason. Before going to work, me and Alex decide to stop by Harry's house so I can change. But I forget to put my phone on charge so when I arrive to Lee's, it's almost dead. Fantastic, another thing to add to the list of 'Harry will spit my ass in two for'. I tie my hair up and when I'm ready, I start my shift. Amanda passes by in the morning so I take a little break grabbing a coffee and sitting with her to a table.

''I've heard the volleyball team is still at the camp trying to improve their skills. The mister makes them work pretty hard'' Amanda informs me and I suddenly look down to my cup, turning the stick inside my coffee to mix the sugar with the dark liquid. I don't actually want to talk about Harry.

'' Do you want to know something maybe you don't know?'' Amanda teases me looking up from her cup with a tempting smirk. Today she's wearing a flowered dress, white high heels and red lipstick.

''What is it?'' I ask putting the stick in my mouth to taste the coffee. Perfect.

''Do you ever wonder why Harry has only Alex as friend in our School?'' she opens her drink and brings it to her mouth to take a sip, still looking at me with her black eyes. I gesture for her to go on, finding myself more than interested.

''Well people are jealous. He's the best player in our school and makes us win every competition. As you will know guys don't like to lose, so they put him aside. No one ever talks to him, nor they cheer for him, on the contrary they are so happy when he does something wrong. I find it so low and stupid. I mean the main idea of being in a team, is to fight for it, to cheer for your mates and try all together to do the best so the team can win. But they don't care. ''

I don't know why, but I feel strange. This is also a form of bullying somehow and even if I used to do it sometimes, it's Harry now that we're talking about fuck. Emarginated people is something wrong. It's okay not to be friend with every human being you met, but discrimination is so despicable and dumb. Who are you to decide if this person is cool or over? C'mon, life is not like playing with Barbie's, it's not all parties and proms, it's pain and happiness, it's suffering and joy, it's hurting and healing scars. Life is tough and it never goes the way you want it to go. It's not a fairy-tale, it's more like hell and you can't run away from hell.

''Harry doesn't tell me anything about it but to be honest, I've never really asked him. I don't think he cares anyway.'' Because Harry tells me everything he thinks is important. If it's not, he doesn't bother to open his mouth about. Plus, I feel he doesn't want to say anything. I mean, when he needs to go to his training, he simple says it and then disappears, never asked me to come with him. Don't know why, perhaps he's hiding something.

''We need to go shopping. The prom is close and I have no dress to wear'' she says and I stare at her with an amused glare. I mean I've seen her wonderful closet, there are like two hundred untouched dresses, I don't think she needs to buy new ones.

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