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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

"Rise and shine!" I hear someone say while the morning light breaks in from the curtains that now appear to be open.

I gasp and moan, turning to face the other side and ignore it. It's too early. It takes me a little while to understand that I'm not in my home. All the memories from yesterday coming back noisy and much too loud. The bed stir under Harry's weight. I feel like shit today, everything on my body hurts and I can't find the strength to open my eyes. Harry moves some of my strands of hair from my face and then lets his hand trace down my arm until he finds mine. He caresses it a little.

"C'mon little Grace, we have school" he whispers into my ear and I groan in response. Instead I turn around and grab him by the neck to pull him down with me. He laughs slightly and wraps his arms around me, embracing me. I stroke my face against his bare chest, maybe I can make him stay. I know I can, I just have to purr a little more.

"I can't ditch school!" He moans and I ignore him, crossing my hands behind his neck.

"Grace." Harry warns and I feel something pressing against my stomach. I know what it is. He just woke up and he already has an erection. How can this be possible? I blush but hide my face under his chin so he can't see. I don't want to get up. Is that so difficult to understand?

"Harry." I stutter back, his morning voice is making my skin erupt in goose bumps, I hope he doesn't notice it. He leans over me and brings his lips to my hair, just slightly above my ear and starts to whisper.

"C'mon Grace. I'll go and make breakfast if you get up right now."

"No." He's smiling like an idiot against my head, I can even feel his dimples. He starts to leave a trail of kisses on my head, my forehead and my neck. I lazily push him away.

"You taste like me; you know that?" And that's when I open my eyes a little. He has a fastidious grin on his face, like a small boy on Christmas day. I want fearful Harry back, at least he is afraid of me and doesn't play around. On the other hand, this Harry seems happier.

"Stop smiling like today is your birthday." I harshly tell him and try my best to keep my eyes open. It's so hard, this bed is the most comfortable bed on earth. It's tempting me to be a bad girl, I want to get up, but the covers are wrapped around me so tightly that I can barely move.

"I feel like it is." He whispers and pulls my covers away. I sigh in defeat and sit up. I'm wearing Harry clothes. A white t-shirt and a pair of black boxers. He's now turned his back to me and I take this chance to breath in his minty scent on from shirt. Wearing it seems like walking around with his arms constantly wrapped around me.

"I'll make pancakes," he tries to persuade me. I cross my arms over my chest and he turns around still smiling.

"I don't want to die. Maybe you'll try to drug me and force me to do whatever it is that crosses your insane mind." He rolls his eyes and mimics my gesture, crossing his arms as well. "I have other ways to make you obey. I don't need drugs." He states and tries to act scary. I only laugh as does he.

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