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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

I feel hands on my skin. I feel them rubbing up and down my side with long and sweet caresses. I can sense bruises on them but still his touch is soft on me.

''Grace'' I hear Harry saying while he leans over and presses a soft kiss on my forehead. Then down to my cheek. I shiver and moan lazily. I still feel the weight of yesterday on my legs. I don't want to get up. his curls are now touching my chin I sense his lips on my neck, sucking slowly.

''Wake up Grace'' he whines going down with his mouth. His hand grabs my thigh and put my leg around him so he can be closer to me. Useless to say he's already hard for me and I didn't even do anything yet. Maybe this time is my fault, didn't let him finish yesterday.

''You promise,'' Harry pound while his face comes near mine. he pushes away some strands and kiss both of my eyes. He plays with my underwear and pulls it down a little so he can come in and touch my soft spot.

''I know you're awake,'' and that's when I freeze. Flashes about old days when I was just a little girl come to my mind. He said the same words and he's doing the same thing as my father.

My dad used to come to my room early in the morning to...play with me. I cringe my eyes and my breath stuck in my throat. I think I'm sobbing. It's like being underwater without the chance to breath. I feel the ice taking all over my body. I feel the fear playing in my stomach and suddenly I push Harry away. He doesn't move, but I don't open my eyes. I just push him away over and over again until he rolls on the other side of the bed and I can leave him there alone. I embrace my body and look around, like my dad could jump out any moment from my memory and l.

''What's going on Grace. come here'' I sob.

He's saying all the things he said to me in that moments. I feel my head spinning, and my eyes stings. I want to scream and cry. I want to take out all this pain I feel in the middle of my chest. I just want to forget his touch. I want to forget his words. i adjust my shirt and flash into the bathroom, smashing the door closed. I need to wash this feeling away. Usually it works, it's the only way I have to push him out of my mind. That's what I get for thinking he is finally out of my life. He won't never leave me alone. he always told me that. But I'm a fool. I thought Harry could have protected me from him. but how can he do that if he lays deep inside my soul? There's no possibility for me to send him away. I take off my clothes, grab the soap and start to rub it furiously on my skin. I leave long red marks all over while I wash away that memory. I feel so dirty, so out of place. I feel like I'm going mad. I hear heavy footsteps coming from behind the curtains and I sit down in the corner of the shower embracing my legs, my head on my knees. I feel big hands reaching for my body but I jerk them away.

''Don't touch me Harry. please'' I can't even cry. I never had the force to do it when it comes to this moment because they are all my fault. I'm a stupid, dirty girl. And nobody can save me. So why do I have to carry Harry down with me.

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