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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

''If she comes here, I'll talk,'' Alex states and I roll my eyes. What does he mean with 'if'? Of course she'll come to check on me. She's not that bad, she cares about me. And I know I look pretty shitty now.

''I can talk for myself,'' I whine but Alex rises his eyebrow to me. I roll my eyes again. He's annoying as fuck. Nevertheless, Grace doesn't come closer to me. She walks over, Amanda on her side. She acts like she doesn't know me and that hurts really bad. She has makeup on her face, heavy makeup again and I cringe. Maybe she hasn't see me. Alex looks into my eyes and widens his as I lift my hand in attempt to catch Amanda's gaze. Alex pulls my it down, almost smashing it on the counter.

''Don't you...'' But he's too late. Amanda notices me and smiles, waving back. She grabs Grace by the arm and leads her towards us.

''Hi Amanda,'' I say gaining a confused look by Alex and Grace. I scroll my shoulders and smirk to the little girl. I don't know why I'm doing this, however I feel Grace's gaze on me and I want to make her mad. I like to see her lose it so at least she'll talk to me.

''Hi Harry. How are you doing?" Amanda asks and I bite my bottom lip, I don't actually care about her but I know Grace will get upset if I start to be rude.

''Not fine, you?'' Alex saves the situation by standing up on his feet.

''Hey Amanda. Would you like to...dance with me?''

He rubs the back of his neck. I can't believe my ears. He's not serious, he hates her and she's a slut. When Amanda nods and he stands up, he looks back at me with a warning gaze. I think I'll pay this little rescue. I know he's walking away and give some space to me and Grace. Grace is standing in front of me, her eyes looking into mine with anger. I turn around and order another drink. I shouldn't be drinking. It's disgusting and I don't like it, I also want to puke, but I need it. I need it so bad. Grace sits next to me, I can see the love bite I made on her neck. She orders herself a drink too and act like I'm not next to her. I want to smash her body against the counter and fuck her really hard but I can't. This is not how I want to threat Grace, she's not an object and she isn't mine. Even if I want her too much. I sip at my drink and my stomach turns. I can still feel the memory of that night heavy on my heart, the voice of my sister filling my ears, she was crying so fucking much. I made her cry a lot. I start in my position, bringing my hand to my mouth. I think I'm begin to feel sick. That's what I get for breaking promises. I hit Grace shoulders and she grabs me by the arm to help me stay still.

''Harry?'' She calls, there's concern in her voice yet she's trying to hide it. Too bad I've reach for it in time.

''I'm fucking fine.'' This makes her loosen the grip. I almost fall again but this time, I just hold to the counter, placing my head against it. I can feel her gaze on my back, I know she's worrying about me and I feel so good. She cares. That's the only thing I can think. A man gives Grace her drink and looks at her from upside down.

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