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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

''Grace'' I hear Alex saying. His tone is beyond hurt, it's the voice of a person who will never forgive himself for what he's doing. But I trust Alex, he would never lie to me, I know he wouldn't. '' I'm sorry'' he says and the line goes dead. Like what!

I glare at my phone a couple of times, dialling his number twice before realizing he did it on propose. He hung up on propose to me. he's my best friend and till now, the only one who never mistreated me. the only one I knew I could count on. But it's clear he decided Harry over me. well then, this time I'm not going to watch as the two of them act behind my back. this time, Grace chose herself over everyone. Because she's tired of being played around like some kind of porcelain doll.

I go in the kitchen and find Damian's personal maid, preparing breakfast. I breath out and put on the fakest smile I manage to create, before approaching her.

''Good Morning'' I say jumping on the kitchen counter. She politely greets me, clearly not used to my expansive manners.

''Good morning Miss Fitzgerald. Have you already had your meal?'' she asks and I shake my head. She is a really prosperous woman. she nods at me and rushes to fill a plate with a lot of things.

''I was wondering, it's not that you know where Damian keeps his car? I wanted to make him a huge surprise and buy him a cake'' I rock my legs back and forth casually and the woman cracks a genuinely smile at me. she eventually stops what she's doing and darts her attention to me, her hands on her hips.

''Why don't we bake one instead? I'm sure Mr. Damian will be more than happy'' I keep myself from let my face fall and recover with another idea. I need to get the hell out of here and breathe fresh air. I know I will probably get this lovely old woman in trouble, I know I will probably get all of the people around here, in trouble but this is something Damian and Harry needs to understand, they can't control me or treat me as I'm some kind of fragile merchandising.

'' I'd like the idea, but I prefer mine. I wanted to go to my favourite place where they make one of the most delicious red velvet cake of all the planet'' the woman nods and points to the door next to the sink.

''If you get out of here, and take the first left, there is a garage. Pick the car you like the most; the keys are on the wall, you can't be wrong, every key has its own name and mark.'' I get off from the counter and almost not move, thinking about how selfish this is. Me putting other's job in risk only because I want to prove Damian how wrong he is. I'm almost sure he will not fire the maid, especially if I talk to him, but this is not an excuse. This is not me. still, I find myself walking outside and leading to the garage. I enter by the little metal door and flick the light on.

Useless to say there are at least four cars inside. A truck, a normal car guesses an Opel, a fancy old car and a very bright red Ferrari. Now, my inner self, is screaming to take the Opel and end this shit, but if I have to make them worry, I'm gonna do it with style.

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