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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

I've been walking around this shitty house for what feels like hours. I don't like parties. Not anymore at least; drunk people and slutty girls are not my definition of fun. When I was younger I used to live for those two things, they were my world, but I guess there comes a moment in your life when you simply understand you can't just live carelessly; without caring about anyone but yourself. You can't play with others feelings and pretend it's okay. I thought I could, but then life paid me back in the worst way possible and I stopped.

I'm at this party only for her. I know she's here because this is the house of one of her 'friends' and I heard Christian talking about the people that would have come. Grace's name was in them. I don't know why she's friends with a guy like Christian, I mean he's the most fake and treacherous person I've ever met in my life. He's always trying to have his way with her, always saying bullshit and she believes him. All the time.

Don't ask me why her. Don't ask me why I'm at the party of my enemy for a girl who has never even spoken to me, because I can't explain it. I just fall for the way she moves, for her beautiful lips and the way they move when she speaks. But mostly, I fall for the sadness in her eyes. She's just like me, and I can't help but watch her all of the time.

I walk upstairs avoiding any of my old friends. I'm a fool, she'll never talk to me, I just have to find a place where I can stay alone and keep the noise out. A peaceful room where I can sit and do the thing I like the most, thinking about her. There are a lot of rooms, but most of them are locked so I try them up until I find one that opens.

There is silence and the only source of light, is the moon outside the window. Maybe there is someone in here, I think while closing the door and resting my forehead on the wood. There she was. Laying on the mattress with wide blue eyes, staring at me confused. I gulp and try to collect myself. She's half naked, with those mini shorts and a tank top that shows more than just a glimpse of my paradise.

"Hi" she says but I just ignore her.

She has a bottle of liquor half full in her hand, her eyes are bloodshot and she looks completely wasted. She sets herself on the bed and looks at me with curious eyes.

"Well, well," she says tapping her finger on the duvet. "Look who come knocking at my door," she half smiles and I totally lose myself for a second. Her hair is tied up in a ponytail, showing all of her beautiful face.

"Sorry." I simply say and she takes a glimpse from the bottle, eagerly.

𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽.

He is staring, I can tell from the way my skin stings but I totally don't care. I came here to be alone, not to make friends.

"Leave." I say drinking a little more vodka. My head's spinning around from the alcohol, my breath heavy. I'll fall asleep soon.

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