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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

I exit the changing room; possible people don't hear anything? Did Christian pay them? of course.

I hide the phone in the back pocket and I immediately check for Dave, he's standing there, blood rolling down his face, barely breathing. No. I try to take a step forward but Christian stops me, pushing me against the other changing door. just fine.

''Why do you do that? What did I do to you in the first place?'' but I already know the answer, I am just trying to gain time. so Harry would come here and probably save my ass.

''Isn't it obvious? I want to hurt you'' it's not me the target he's point at, because no matter what, he always tries to get Harry to know his bravados.

It's pretty clear it's him the one he wanted to shut down.

''Let's be honest for once Chris, you never had any interest in me, you want me because Harry has me!'' I spit in his face the words and see as pain flushes in his eyes.

''Oh really? And where is him exactly? I bet you fought because he's a control freak and you can't stand the idea of someone telling you what you can or cannot do.'' I don't replay so he takes this chance to go on '' Stay with me Grace, I would let you do whatever you want'' instead I hit myself till I'm dying. Not going to happen Chris, never.

''You can go to hell and never come back for what I care'' he smashes me against the door and his hands stroke my neck. I raise my leg to hit him but his words stop me.

'' I wouldn't do that; I remember you Dave is pretty hurt already. We don't want him to be seriously damage, do we Willy?'' I puff trying to breath and he moves a bit closer.

''What do you want from Harry? What did he do to make you act so bravely and come to harass me personally even after Damian's warnings? You're not the courageous type, you don't so smart things. You hide and play till the game is safe then when it gets dangerous, you walk away and let the others do the things in your place. What did he do? To make you act so senseless. It still hurts right? What is it? It's about a girl? About pride? Oh you don't have pride, so I guess it's the first one'' Christian narrows his eyes and his hand flies on my face. I avoid it just in time only making him more upset. My head hits the door again and for a bit the room spins, for both, the lack of oxygen and his blow.

''Didn't he tell you the story Willy? I'm sure he did but cutting off the details, he was too high to even remember about it. '' I kick and kick but then glare at my right, Dave is about to lose conscious. How bad did they hurt him?

''Dave'' I murmur and feel the rage burning in my blood. I'm ready to snap, as soon as Dave will be free, I will have Christians' head. I swear.

''Harry took away they only thing I cared about and I'm going to do the same, I'm going to take you away from him. he's going to watch as I make you scream his name without him have the chance to react or say anything. I'm sure he's on his way here right now, so let's start so he will come for the second act.'' I widen my eyes. how could I be so stupid? Of course he heard me calling Harry but he didn't say anything because he wanted him to be here. They're going to hurt him? no. they can't. I will die If they do.

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