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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

''So you can mess with my past, you can ask me to tell you things but I can't put my nose,'' I say mimic air quotes with my fingers ''in your staff?'' Harry starts in his position and gulps heavily. He knows what he has done and he feels guilty.

''I just don't like when people mess with my things.'' He pouts like a little boy. I cross my arms and roll my eyes.

''This is insane!'' I blurt searching for his eyes. ''I let you touch me and play with me like some funny toy, I even blew you and you're telling me now that you don't like to let me go through your things?'' I laugh but Harry's words stop me.

''I didn't ask for it.''

Everything we have built just falls down, like a castle made of cards. I feel like a fool, like a stupid fool, because I thought he was different. I'm just a stupid girl. He judges me just like the others. I turn on my heels and walk out of his room.

''Fine!'' I yell descending downstairs.

''Grace, I didn't...'' I turn around and point my finger to his chest, making him almost fall down.

''I don't care Harry. just remember, you're playing a game I know how to play better than you do, if I want.'' I head to the door but he stops me by grabbing my arm. If he wants to hurt me, I can do much worse than that.

''Where are you going, Grace? don't be mad, I was-''

I close my eyes and breath out all the anger. He doesn't need me to be pissed with him, I should just not care about what he thinks, after all everyone thinks I'm a whore, what will change if Harry thinks that too? Nothing.

''To work. Now let me go.'' He tightens his grip and I narrow my eyes, threatening him with my glare.

''No. your shift is this evening, not now...'' I roll my eyes and jerk him away.

''I do whatever I want Harry, so fuck off.'' Still not moving.

''I'll drive you,'' he offers, his eyes full of concern and guilty. Like I care if he's feeling ashamed of what he said.

'' On my dead body, Thatcher'' and with this, I just storm out of the living room and head to work.

I pull my phone out and call Lee. My hands are shaking, and I can't understand why. I'm used to this, why in the hell I feel so strange and heartbroken? Because Harry was the only one who didn't judge me and now... now that I had given him all my insecurities, he hurt me. I was right not to trust anyone. I was damn right.


Once I arrive at Lee's, he gives me this slutty uniform and smirks.

''I can taste money from here,'' he says and I roll my eyes, not really in the mood.

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