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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

I fell sleepy because we have been driving the whole day no stop, then leaving the car, Harry's because is a track and it's easier to drive on this kind of road, at the entrance of the forest. it's been two hours and June is still giving orders to the guys to decide where we need to spend the night. She said we need a little rest before keep driving and there is no way in hell she wanted to sleep pressed like a fish in a car, even if Harry's van is pretty big. But, she's the Jane of the situation, so I'm just going to go with what she says, without complaining.

''Here is good'' she says choosing a place free from trees where there are a lot of big trunks all around, one near the other.

''So now..'' June turns to face the three of us. Harry sets the begs down and carefully listens to his mentor, he adores June, I can tell by the way he stops everything he's doing every time she talks. I'm not jealous at all, it's the same reason Harry stopped being overprotective when I am with Alex. He understands there will never be anything between me and the dark boy. ''you and Grace go find for firewood, me and Alex prepare the tents. Move your asses little princess and prince charming, we need it before the sun sets down, hop, hop'' I roll my eyes and Harry laughs following me right behind.

We disappear into the woods, trees everywhere. The forest is not a very quiet place as people say. There are a lot of strange noises all around, I can also hear the sound of water somewhere not really far from here.

Harry leans down to collect firewood and I follow his move.

''I love being in the middle of nowhere'' he states with a wide smile that shows his wonderful dimples. The firewood falls to his feet and I simply stay there, staring to his face, slightly enlighten by the sun that is now going down for his daily nap. The leaves are dancing on his smile, playing with the weak light, drawing shadows that make Harry looks a lot younger. His eyes are closed, his arms wide open, his head tilted back to breathe with his lunges the fresh air. I can see why he likes here, there is nothing that reminds us of our past. We do not have to hide, no need to pretend. We're completely free. So I turn off my brain and walk towards him, throwing the wood at the ground, jumping on a trunk and before he can open his eyes, I crush my lips on his. Because I wanted to do it, because he was so beautiful that my heart melt under his angel figure. Because he's my personal miracle and I want to thank him for this. for no apparently reason. I want to thank him every day only because he stayed, because he exists. These are important reasons, enough to love him with more love that I have.

He takes a step back, surprised then his arms grab holds of my hips and pull me up, kissing me back. He too soon stops and smiles down at me, taking my hand, his eyes are shining like stars.

''Come with me'' he states and starts to drag me away from the firewood. We reach a rock mountain and he gesture for me to climb before him. I look at him a little sceptical but then I just do what he suggests. I put a foot after the other, carefully not to step into a weak piece of stone. This time for the first time, I'm thanking my father for this, I mean if he hadn't played the monster, I wouldn't have known a crap about climbing. Harry is hot on my heels, better than me in this. but I guess having an holiday house right in the forest may help you a little, especially if you go there since young.

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