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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

Stumble out of the skating rink and take off my rollers as faster as I can. I path without shoes till I reach for a counter were an annoyed lady is serving rollers to the new costumers and I kick it so she turns around to face me.

''Yes?'' She says looking me upside down. I don't have time for this whore right now, Harry is leaving and I need to talk to him.

''I need my shoes,'' I give her my name and she gives me the key for my locker. Alex is behind me following my every move.

''Faster Grace.'' he says helping me find the locker to pull my boots off and I sit on the little couch to wear them.

''Why in the hell was Harry here?'' I ask but when I lift my head, I look into Alex's eyes and find the answer.

''I had to tell him I took you out. He would have been mad if he found out without me telling him'' he justifies biting his lower lip. I roll my eyes and finally stand up running outside. As soon as I get out, I search for Harry's truck. I look around twice before spotting it far away. I see Harry trying to turn the ignition on cursing heavily so I turn to face Alex.

''Alex...'' I start but he shakes his head smiling.

''I'll call you when I get home Grace. go talk to him'' he states and I just nod. This time I really didn't do anything wrong so I don't get why he run away. I arrive near Harry's car just when he's about to start it and I stand in front of it, making him sighs and hits the brake.

''Harry'' I scream trying to get back my breath. My heart is beating fast not because of the little run, but because of the look on his face.

My hair is on my face and I watch Harry from behind them, I can see he's trying hard not to look back at me so I straighten my back and walk around the car till I reach for the driver door. Harry doesn't move until I knock on the window. He sighs heavily and pulls down the glass still without looking at me.

''Harry, why did you run away?'' he almost laughs in my face and hits the wheel in frustration. I startle and take a step back, feeling slightly uncomfortable. He's upset but really this time I'm innocent. I look at the parking lot and spot Alex's car waiting a little far from where I'm. I think he's watching the scene only to see if I need a ride. Harry follows my gaze and tightens the grip on the wheel.

''Get in the car,'' he demands and I cross my arms. He has no right to be angry, I can't understand this swing in his mood and I'm not going to stay with him if he's going to be a asshole.

''No.'' I state and he stares into my eyes. I think he'll lose it soon and maybe drug me into the car against my will. But that will be his only way because I'm not moving until he calms down.

''Grace, get in the fucking car, I'm not asking again.'' His tone is low and deep, it sends shiver around my spine and makes me want to run away. He's so out of himself.

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