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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

I simply stay frozen in my place, looking at the door still trying to figured out what went wrong. Did I say something wrong? Because it seems like. I was about to make love to Grace but she just run away. She was hurt, I remember her face while she pulled her shorts on, she wasn't crying but her eyes did hurt me more than her tears. I was only teasing, I wasn't serious about making her telling that things, possible she didn't understand? I go out of the changing room and path towards my table, I'm sure she's there waiting for me. I know deep down her soul; she knows I wasn't serious. Damn my fucking mouth and my stupid bad jokes. When I approach my resurveyed area, Grace is nowhere to be seen. The only thing that is changed is the coke spitted all around on my papers. I curse and place it back on, trying to collect my homework. I feel strange, like I'm missing something. Oh c'mon Harry. it's not that she's not coming back to you. you hurt her though. This emptiness is destroying everything inside of me and I can't help but sigh in frustration throwing all my things in my bag angrily, She's still here, I know she won't live. She won't play any tricks, I saw her changing, I saw her getting better, she simply won't come back to the old Grace, she told me herself. I elbow my way to the counter where that sick ass of Jay is having a conversation with a little boy with dark hair. the boy seems scared and his back is tensed, like he's worried or something. Maybe he has lost his friends. I open my mouth to ask Jay if he have seen Grace when the boy turns around and my blood starts to boil. Dave.

''Harry,'' he exclaims jumping down his stool in relief.

''Oh, Jesus you're here.'' I don't give him the time to finish and roll my eyes darting my attention to Jay. I'm fucking done dealing with this little puppy of a kiddo. I want to find Grace, apologize and tell her how much she means to me. This time I won't take anything back, I want to wash all her doubts away and finally love her the way I've always wanted to love her. with no boundaries nor limits.

''Haven't you guys seen Grace?'' I ask and Dave's eyes go widen, as if he has just saw a monster or a ghost.

''That's what I wanted to ask to you,'' he blurts panicking. I gulp loudly but the worst isn't finish yet. ''she wasn't feeling good at all, I think she was about to faint or something.'' And my anger grows along with my concern. Is she alone now? I hope she asked for Lee to help her. I really pray for that. Otherwise, I'm fucked up pretty much.

''And you didn't stop her?'' I scream in his face, making him backwards a little and gulping loudly.

''I thought she was with you,'' he justifies but I can't do anything with his excuses, Grace is fucking missing and I feel like my heart could burst any second. I need to see her, need to know she's fine. she's not supposed to feel so lonely anymore I promised her. I'm fucking asshole.

''Let's go find her,'' Dave states and suddenly he starts to lead outside the local. I make my way pushing and punching slightly people. I'm beyond pissed right now, because I know it's everything my fault, if he gets hurt she'll simply blame me. Like Kira. She'll give all the blame on me and I'll be haunting myself forever. We eventually exit the club and the wind starts to pull my messy hair, blinding my sight. I fix my bandana to push them back while looking on both side of the street.

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