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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

It's hot in here. The sun is shyly stepping inside from the curtains and Harry is basically on me, only his head is on the pillow. And did I mention we're both naked and I'm sweeting a lot. His hair is tickling my neck and my nose and I barely can move. But apart from this, I feel so amazed and happy. I feel satisfy and ready to jump out of the bed and dance. I try to pull him away without waking him up but he's too heavy and I'm slightly weak. So I just push his body off of me making him roll on his back. He moans but doesn't wake. I Stand up but I feel strange, my lower body stings a little and my head is spinning. Once I'm comfortable enough on my feet, I make my way to his sister's bathroom because this way I can grab my clothes and wash myself. I take a long sleeve dark shirt and a pair of light jeans along with my beloved boots and I go take a shower.

I cringe a little when I start to see the water going red. It sucks pretty much and the hot water aches at my lower body but it's not too bad and after I while, I feel much better. Harry didn't hurt me too much, so I don't find this too important, I think he's been really gentle with me and I really liked the way I felt yesterday. I've never felt so alive. Harry's hands were like meant to hold my body, to caress me. He knew all the right places where I liked to be touched, all my weaknesses. His lips were like this hot water on my poor body. they melt everything that wasn't right. They heal all my scars. I take in my body and I see only some random yellow mark here and there but nothing massive. Nothing that can really make me remember about my past. The bad scratches are now replaced by Harry's love bites and even if I've always thought I've never liked someone marking my skin, this is different. I love looking down at these red flowers because they remind me of something happy. They are not a secrets I need to hide from everyone, they are my pride. I bite my lower lip and smile like an idiot thinking about Harry and the way he cried when I told him I loved him. today is our real start, I think we have no more secrets to keep, nothing between us can really separate the two of us. I finally clean myself and get dress eventually. I dry my hair and let them fall down until they touch my lower back. I love the feeling that is playing inside my stomach. I love knowing Harry is waiting for me outside this door, and I love to know that I'll always have a place to come back when I'm too low to get up myself.

I walk into Harry's room and find him wearing a pair of boxes and making his bed. On the ground, lying the sheets folded into a messy ball, witnesses of what happened last night. I flush a little and lower my eyes to concentrate on the floor. I don't know what to say or if I have to say something but I feel like being slightly embarrassed without really knowing the reason. Harry notice my presence and blushes too a little he seems so young. He rubs his hands on the back of his neck and walk towards the sheets, grabbing them with both of his arms.

''I made breakfast. Go...I'll...'' I just nod to save him from make this, even more awkward and descend down the stairs.

I sit on the stool and start to eat the pancakes slowly. Staying sited is a little painful but ignorable. I can cancel the pain by only thinking about how hard I moan Harry's name yesterday. I chew my food without really testing it, I'm starving and confused. Is Harry sorry for making love to me yesterday? He can't be, can he? I snap out of my thoughts because Harry walks into the kitchen fully dressed and with a dark shadow on his face. He sits down and without even look at me, he starts to eat. I gulp loudly and feel this bad sensation at the centre of my chest, like someone has just stabber me. Everything comes back again, the pain, the feeling of not being enough, the loss. The insecurities all coming back because of his attitude. Maybe I wasn't good. He didn't like it. I'm not that hungry anymore. I just want to puke for the amount of bad emotions I'm feeling right now. I stand up and walk upstairs to grab my sack. I put inside everything I find in sight and come back to him, who's now standing and looking at my with an eyebrow up.

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