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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

Two weeks later and we're still awkwardly not making conversation. It's like something is tuned off inside of us. I thought we were fine, after my attempt suicide, as Harry calls it but I was wrong. Harry is really pissed off, he tries not to be, talking to me, he tells me about his day and when I don't find the words to answer because I'm too afraid or I don't have anything to say, he shuts up and ignores me. of course he doesn't let me alone, not even for a second, doesn't touch me. he keeps the distant like he's waiting for something I need to give him maybe permission. He treats me like a porcelain doll or completely forgets about me. it's like he doesn't want to care anymore.

November is now here and it's pretty cold. the Fitzgerald had kept their promise, telling bout this place around and now Lee is forced to work hard because the level of expectation is pretty high. I'm becoming a very well paid waitress, because most of the people specifically required me.

I still don't know what to do with the story of my mom and relative brother. Mr. Fitz didn't show up after that night, only his mom comes to check on me sometimes but nothing more.

It's been strange though, because I feel like someone is watching me constantly. I'm being paranoid, I see my dad everywhere so yes, I'm crazy. Harry doesn't know about it, I can't find the right time to tell him unfortunately.

He didn't tell Alex about my little creepy joke, and I'm glad. Because I don't want to be watched also by Alex, it's already too much awkward. But he knows about Daniel little visit so now I take my day off to training with him on self-defence.

I sit on bed, it's Tuesday and I do not work so I'm catching up with homework. My headphones are on so I don't hear him coming, but when his arms sneaks under, I jump, falling back into bed.

''Relax, I come in peace'' he tries to laugh but I can tell he's hurt. He knows this place is not safe anymore after my dad little visit. And maybe that's why he's so on the edge, he hates when I push him away. I mean he did it once and I didn't found it pretty funny either.

He places two tickets on my thighs and I glare down.

'2014 winter prom', it says on the front and I frown, looking to him. his eyes are full of expectation and waiting.

''Those are tickets for the prom next month. I was wondering...'' he flushes and I bite down my lips. I don't want to be surrounded by people so I don't think this is a good idea, I just can't find the words to wash away that hope he has deep down his eyes. I already feel a monster to had him cut himself for me.

''I know you're probably thinking what are we gonna do to a dance, if you don't like people and I don't dance. But you do, I know you like it. I saw the pictures and I really, really want to bring you to that prom. you could use a little fun lately. Plus, I miss your smile'' I don't know what to say, he's so nice so...himself. I can't find the words to decline the offer so I simply stand up, leaving the tickets on the mattress and disappear in the bathroom. It may not be polite but it's better than tell no straight into his face and destroy all his hope

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