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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

Me and Alex decide to have a little sleep over, so I invited myself to his house. I don't want to come back home where Harry is probably waiting for me to forgive him and other shit. We make popcorn and sit on his tiny couch, squeezing our bodies to fit in. we watch some old episodes of Game of Thrones. Useless to say that we both are found of this series like crazy. I press my head on Alex's chest while he embraces me, holding the bowl with the almost burned popcorn on his lap where I can reach for it easily.

''I was thinking,'' Alex starts reluctantly darting his eyes away from the TV screen. I grab a hand full and shove them into my mouth before he talks, not so polite but I don't care because we both laugh. I chew slowly before he keeps speaking. ''That friend of yours. What's her name?'' my face instantly lights up and I pull away trying to scream or do anything but my mouth is still full and I can't make out any understandable sound so I simply clap my hands in the air before pointing to his chest.

''I knew it'' I manage to say making in looking at me in confusion. It's not the best choice to talk without having the passage free. I gulp down the popcorns and finally act like a normal girl.

''I knew it'' I repeat hitting him on his upper arm. ''I knew you wanted to fuck her'' I say and he blushes. It's so strange to see Alex embarrassed, he's kind of cute.

"It's not that I want to fuck her.'' I stop him, being the annoying bitch that I am.

''But you find her fit?'' Alex nods but I don't give him the time to explain himself. I like when he pissed off. He's kind of funny seeing his eyes go dark and his mouth pressing into a straight line. He looks a lot older when he gets angry.

''So you want to fuck her. all guys think in this way,'' I state grabbing other popcorns.

''Maybe if you hear me out, you will change your mind'' he says angrily while he takes away the bowl with my food. I reach out but he sits on the arm of the couch sticking his tongue out to me. I move on his side of the couch and pull a hand out but I made a wrong move because my other hand doesn't find something to hold and I slide, falling down on Alex who loses his balance and rolls down, off of the couch hitting the ground, the bowl falls on his head, splitting all the popcorns in his hair and in mine too. I laugh burying my face in his chest and Alex gives up giggling with me.

'' I was saying...'' he tries again with a serious tone. ''That maybe I should ask her out'' he says and I smile widely sitting at the top of him. he rests his weigh on his elbow to look at me while I think about the pros and cons. They will probably be perfect for each other. She likes tattoos and piercings, she likes the same music I like, she's a selfless, strong independent girl. I think it will work, really work for them.

''I think it's a good idea'' I encourage him but he doesn't seem to Happy. He glares down to his hands, still having the bowl on his head.

''What's the problem?'' I ask moving Alex's new ridiculous hat aside so I can look better into his eyes.

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