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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

It's five in the evening and I'm fully dress, my hair is tied up perfectly and my makeup is on. I'm ready for my shift, the only thing that I need is a ride. I exit Kira's room and walk hesitantly in Harry's room. He's sited on his bed, a bandana holds back his messy hair and he's completely focused on his work. He has a pan in his mouth and another in his hands, underlines things on a big book. He's really cute with his enormous jumper that shows a little of his chest. All his rings caress the pages along with his fingers and I can't help but imagine me at their place. I love Harry's hands so much. As long as I don't like to interrupt him because he really seems happy in his nerdy moment, I clear my throat to gain his attention. I really need to go to work and I'm already late. Harry rises his head in my direction and I only now notice that his green eyes go perfectly fine with the emerald on his bandana, making them stands out.

''Hey," he says rubbing his eyes with two of his finger before returning to look at me.

''Do you need anything?'' I nod and walk towards him biting my bottom lip. He follows me with his gaze for the whole time and I can't help but feeling hungry.

''Actually, yes.'' I type with my finger on some paper before daring up at him. he's waiting for me to speak and I don't know why but I feel so selfish right now. He's doing his homework and I shouldn't be taking away precious time with my stupid request. I dart my eyes away and attempt to get up but Harry reaches for my hand.

''Grace. Don't scare me, just tell me,'' he says and look down to his work.

''I was wondering... if you could give me a ride to Lee's?'' I finally blurt out and he sighs glaring at his phone to check the time.

''Fuck today is Wednesday. I'm sorry I thought it was Tuesday,'' he exclaims face palming himself. He rushes up from bed and collect his papers.

''I'll be ready in a moment,'' he states and grabs his sack to put all inside, pens, notebooks.

''Shit, I'm sorry. I hope you're not late. I was so damn in my homework. Did you finish yours?'' He asks and I nod rubbing a hand on the back of my head. He's acting like a little cute freak collecting shoving everything inside his bag. I can picture young Harry, the one with his big sister running around the table and grabbing everything he found. He's so nice with his mob of curls and his big eyes. he's happy back then just like now.

''An hour ago,'' I state shyly and Harry smiles at me.

''I knew you were a little nerd deep down. You're too smart to not be one,'' he jokes and throws the sack on his back grabbing his phone and the keys of his car and for the front door.

''Move, we're late. I'll finish my homework at Lee's.''

I don't know if he will be able to finish his homework there since there will be a loads of people. Usually when there is the Late shopping I can barely have the chance to have a glass of water at Lee's because everyone is in rush and they pass though Lee's for a cup of coffee and then go again into crazy shopping. I want to tell him that he doesn't need to come with me but it will be rude and I don't want him to get offended even if I don't intend in a bad way. Plus I want Harry with me. I feel safe and relaxed knowing he's checking on me even if I don't need it.

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