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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

''Lee gave you the day off'' Harry says entering Kira's room. I'm laying down on my stomach and I have my head buried under the pillow. I feel like doing anything, just sleep until tomorrow comes. I feel so stupid for not understanding Amanda's plan. They tricked me like a little child.

''Great'' I mutter taking out a thumb from the covers to make him know I've heard.

I hope he let go, that he let me be for a little while but this is Harry we're talking about.

My pillow is thrown away and I sense his fingers on my hair, caressing it as he likes to do. I moan and he laughs a little, leaning down to kiss my head.

'' Lee said you will have to go to help tomorrow so you and the girls will have Friday off, not sure what this means though...'' I almost forgot about Friday, Harry doesn't even know, I guess I will have to tell him later since I don't want to move right now.

''Grace,'' Harry's tone changes becoming worried. The bed startles under his weigh and I sense his jeans brushing against my bare skin.

''We can go downstairs and watch a movie'' he offers but I decline, as I said, I don't want to do anything.

I want to slap my face hard because of my stupidity. I knew something was wrong but being the silly stupid prank I am, I stayed anyway. I should have ran, fuck me. I'm so good at running but when I truly need to, I simply don't remember how to.

''Or we can stay here and you can let me fuck you against the wall as I've always wanted to do'' he mocks me leaving wet and small kisses all over my spine, making me shiver hard. I embrace my head with my arms and hide it there, I feel so strange.

''Let me here alone to die'' I say mocking the tone of that little girl from the Disney movie, how was her name? Lilo? Was it Lilo? I guess so.

Harry chuckles slightly and pulls up my shirt, I feel his hot fingers leaving goose bumps on my skin while his hot breath fans on me. I blush only by imagine what he's thinking right now. His mouth plays with my back, biting and sucking gently to try and make me react. I instantly feel fire in my lower body. He raises until he unclasps my bra and keeps going. He giggles when I start at him touching my upper shoulders but I don't do anything else.

''Grace, it doesn't work with me. Get up I want to do something, I'm bored and when I'm bored I only think about one thing'' he whines chuckling against me. Another shiver, another laughs escapes from his lips.

''Can we just lay on bed and cry? I just want to do this'' I say and Harry moves my hair aside. His metal rings are cold against me and tremendously gentle. He bites my earlobe and I sigh, then his teeth collide with my neck as he puts his hands on both of my side so I can't run, nor that I want.

''This is not my Grace. She doesn't give up or lays in bed crying. She fights for what she wants'' he says and I dart my eyes to meet his. He doesn't waste any time; he presses his lips on mine forcing his way in. I complain only to have him turning my body and moving at the top of me.

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