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It's pretty cold and the wind sinks though the covers, even if Harry is still embracing me tight

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It's pretty cold and the wind sinks though the covers, even if Harry is still embracing me tight. I open my eyes to see the blue sky on our head and smile remembering about the other night. I wrap the cover around my body and get inside taking a shower.

When I get back, Harry is sited on the edge of the bed frowning slightly while he plays with his hands. I rub my hair with the towel trying to dry it and he looks up at me.

''I hate waking up alone'' he states and I smile to him. I place myself in between his legs and peek on his lips.

''Oh, poor baby Harry, all alone in the morning,'' I mock him caressing his cheeks with my thumbs. He needs to shave.

''Yes, poor Harry. Grace doesn't care about him.'' He pouts falsely and folds his arms around his chest in protest. I chuckle and hug him. he rests his head on my breast and pulls me closer breathing my scent.

A knock on the door make me start and grab the clothes of last night.

''Coming,'' I scream while I gesture for Harry to go in the bathroom and I try to pull on the shorts along with the baby doll. Harry follows my order and disappears while I open the door leaning my body against the frame casually. Yes, like I'm not hiding a half naked boyfriend in the restroom.

''Hey,'' I greet a really sleepy El that is staring back at me with narrow eyes and crazy hair.

''Hi,'' she yanks excusing herself and rubbing to her hair. ''breakfast is ready'' she doesn't wait for my response, she doesn't even notice the sound of the water behind me, she walks downstairs like a ghost. I look at her smiling, Jesus she's so cute and weird at the same time.

Then my brother comes out, same expression but more tired and moves and hand to my hair to mess it. I avoid it and he shrugs patting past me. he's too worn out to notice that I just reject his touch. I put on a pair of Harry's sweatpants and one of his tank top because I have no intention in going down wearing that thing El gave me. I tie my hair right in time for Harry to come out. He's already dressed and together we decade. The table is already full of things to eat of every kind and also with people. There are El's parents, my brother sit next to his girlfriend, two empty seats along with one taken by a boy. He has blond hair and blue eyes, like Eleanor but he seems elder. Harry tenses a little and places an hand on my lower body, moving me forward but taking the seat next to the blond boy. He's already marking his territory, how funny.

''I had trouble sleeping'' the stranger says while I fill a glass of orange juice and taking it to my lips.

''I hear someone trying to scream or something, the whole night'' I cough and almost stroke while Harry is desperately biting down to his tongue not to laugh along.

''Grace, are you okay?'' Evan's asks patting to my beck to make me feel better.

El and my brother exchange a glare that makes El smiles and my brother shakes his head no, reddening a little. Well, since It was me the girl screaming or something I'm not okay at all, and Harry knows it.

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