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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

I get in the car and Alex doesn't say anything. He just stares at the road while he pulls out of Harry's driveway. I feel guilty. Maybe I shouldn't be going around with another guy but Harry really doesn't know when to stop.

''Alex,'' I say and he mutters to let me know he's listening.

''I'm really sorry to be the cause of you and Harry fighting.'' Alex shakes his head typing on the wheel.

''No, Grace. It's not your fault. He just shouldn't be doubting about me so easily. It's this what anger me the most.'' he looks down at me and smiles hesitantly

''You know, you're the first girl I take to a match? Usually I go alone because Harry doesn't like to see me bleeding, but you're tough enough and I really need someone to cheer me up. this is a very difficult fight,'' he explains and I lean back into the seat. I look at his stereo and press play to listen to the last song Alex was maybe singing.

''Closer to the edge'' Jared whispers in the car and I instantly light up, jumping in my seat.

''Oh,'' I scream clapping my hands ''no, no, no.'' I sing along and Alex laughs and starts to join me. Our voices are together like one and I feel happy. In one moment I forget about everything. The only thing I can think is how good Alex's voice is and how beautiful it sounds while he screams with Jared the bridge. The song ends right when we arrive but we are still singing, me and Alex.

''I love that song!'' Alex tells me while climbing off of the car and leading back at the trunk.

''I have a better one,'' I state using my old phone to find a new song from Ed Sheeran.

''Listen to this.'' Alex stops and starts to shake his head following the rhyme of the song. I move singing along and Alex nods smiling.

''Nice. Is it new?'' He asks taking out a big black bag where I think he keeps all his staff for boxing.

''Yes,'' I say keep dancing in the middle of the parking lot, making Alex laughs.

''I can't tell people I listen to Ed Sheeran before every match. They will think I'm gay,'' he jokes and hits me playfully on the elbow making me stop the music while frowning.

''Sing'' I mock him and he turns around puffing. I follow him and repeat it again but Alex doesn't keep with the song.

''Oh c'mon Alex, make me happy'' I whine rushing to walk next to him.

''Sing,'' I say mimic Jay's deep voice and walking awkwardly

''Louder'' Alex eventually says rolling his eyes and I wrap one arm around his neck.

''Yeah'' I giggle and we keep playing with this song until we get inside and all the eyes are on me.

I pull my arm away and look at the people around. They seem all rich and not really young. All around there are photographs of Alex and a young boy with blonde hair and pierced lips. He's well looking but his gaze seems dumb. I guess this is the boy against with Alex have to fight.

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