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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

Her body is like silk on mine, the way she brushes her nose on me, makes me want to kiss her hard till her lips bleed. She's all I got and want. And she's right in my arms, little like a snowflake. My personal source of warmness in the cold winter.

''Harry'' she mutters, her blue eyes closed.

I kiss her temple, I don't want to sleep, no dream will ever compete with the reality. I hum to let her know I'm listening. '' take the condom out'' her voice is so low that I almost think I didn't hear her. she flutters her eyes open, when she sees I don't do anything and raises an eyebrow. I distract myself looking inside her blue, because the world looks better in her eyes. they are the most amazing thing I've ever seen, always making me feel weak and numb, along with alive and on the edge. There is so much life inside of them, so much desire.

The first time we met, officially, I remember how they were almost grey for the amount of thoughts she had because of her father, now they are so blue and deep, the most interesting treasure a man can find. All the marks that man had given her, are gone. He holds her no more. I'm kind of afraid about this, because it means she doesn't need me anymore. there's anything else I can heal now. but then again, the way her heart is beating as I caress her arm reassures me. what we have is special, only us to protect and take care. she's only mine to take care and love.

''You're staring'' she chuckles and pushes me away with all the force she has. I grin and move at the top of her, making her wince a bit. she should learn, the more she pushes me away, the more I carve to get near.

I glare at her body, looking at her wonderful breasts, her slim figure it's like the wonderland for me, there is no thing I don't like about it. everything enchanted me in a very strong way, haunting my dreams every time she's not with me. I may have marked her on her skin, but she marked my heart and even if the hickey will fade, what she did to me will stay.

I rock my thighs gently and she whines, her head hits the pillow. I love doing this, playing around with her and make her go weak. I love seeing the way the pleasure shows up on her face or how she bites her bottom lips no to scream. So I do it again.

''I'm tired..'' she complains and brushes her face with the palm of her hand, she looks like a little child. I lean down and kiss her forehead then her nose, her cheeks till she starts giggling.

''I know you're tired my angel, I'm just messing around with you'' I explain and rock hard this time so she grabs the nope of my neck and pulls me down to meet her lips.

You know it's nice to have someone who you know will be there in your darkest night, always cuddling, always ready to pick up the pieces no matter in how many you will get broken. That's what Grace will do for me, and I want her for the rest of my life. I take her for the rest my life.

That's the moment I realize I want to marry her. it may sound stupid; it may sound corny I don't fucking care. she's the one. I feel it in every bone of my body in every inch.

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