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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

My alarm goes off at six o'clock but I'm too tired for school. These week it's been a hell of a week, too much things have happened and now I really feel the weight of all the events. My shoulders are heavy and my arms numb, the only positive thing, is this good feeling in my stomach that makes me feel free and happy. Plus, having Grace under my body helps. She's fast asleep and her face is so close to mine. I reach for my phone and turn the alarm off without moving Grace. she sighs a little and moves near me. I kiss her forehead and hug her tighter. She's so peaceful and warm. My phone buzzes one more time and I rise it to my face so I can check who's bothering me at six am. It's a message from my volleyball couch.

'Meeting today after School. Don't ditch!'

I almost forget that today I have the training with the team fuck. I look down at my sleepy girl and lose myself into her curls, the way they are spread all over my pillow on her side of the bed. I tug some of her strands behind her ear and kiss the tip of her nose. She's no longer hot but she needs to rest and there's no way in hell I'm going to drag her to school today. But I have to go anyway. I move my arm from Grace and turn around to stand up from bed. I walk towards my closet and open the doors to find something to wear. I have way too much clothes but my mom is obsessed with mode so It's normal I guess. Every time she comes back from a trip, she brings me thousands new t-shirts and other things to wear. I usually buy my own clothes and wear them, instead of the expensive staff she chooses for me even if sometimes, just to make her happy I make an effort and dress as she likes. I take a quick shower and dress with a light blue jumper and skinny jeans along with my brown boots. Grace is still sleeping, I hate to wake her up but I don't won't to leave her alone wondering where I'm so I decide to tell her and let her sleep safe. I really want to do one thing before wake her up. I grab my phone and snap a picture of her. I want to keep this not only in my mind, but forever where I can go and look any time I want. I set the photo as background of my iPhone and put my phone back into my pocket. Knelling down to wake Grace up again.

''Grace'' I call her; she doesn't wake up. she's so beautiful with her hair all around her face, like a little child.

I check the time on my phone, I still have a couple of minutes before walking out so I come closer to Grace and kiss her on the lips. She starts a little and moan into my mouth. I laugh and keep leaving wet kisses all over her face.

''Grace,'' I say moving her hair. she buries her face into the pillow and turns on her stomach, giving me her back.

''Don't want to go to school,'' she mutters and I laugh brushing my face into her hair, breathing her strawberry scent.

''You're not going, my love. Just need to tell you something important'' and she turns to face me blinking a couple of times.

''Don't call me love'' she protests smiling lazily, rubbing her hands on her eyes. she's the most beautiful mess of a girl I've ever seen. Usually when girls wake up they are a complete disaster and most of them are even horrendous. Not Grace. she has this natural beauty that hits you straight into the heart with her bright blue eyes and her long curly hair.

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