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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

''James came here and talked to me about my mom. He told me the truth. Apparently my mom isn't a bitch, she was abused too from my father and didn't love three man at the same time but just one, that happened to be Damian which second name is James'' oh wait? So Damian and James are the same person? Is this what she's trying to tell me? I don't interrupt so I let her telling me about everything. She tells me that her father George may not be her real one, that Damian claimed her because he wanted for her to stay with him, she also told me about Amanda and Lee which didn't surprise me not even a bit, Lee always has what he wants and also Amanda. anyway, she tells me also about how she basically kicked him out, and I'm glad she feels the need to tell me things. it's quite strange only a month ago she basically was ignoring me and now, she's speaking about her secrets, it's something I will never get used to. the way she trusts me, it's so strange. So simply and pure.

''Do you like the idea of having him as your father?'' I have her right in my arms and it's the most amazing things in the world. The girl who never holds to anything, is holding on to me.

''Actually, it's pretty fucked up.'' she murmurs and plays with her hands, her breath is fanning on my chest and leaving goose bumps. ''Because a part of me always dreamt to have a good father but that good father never had another face besides George's. so I guess I don't know if I'm ready for this. I don't know if I like him though, he seems nice but I'm afraid he's using me to get my mom's back. and I don't want to get hurt Harry. you more than anyone know, how bad this will affect me if I let him in'' I know this is hard and honestly I don't even have good advices because my family is hell of a boring family, but I think she needs someone that can treat her good and have care of her.

I'm selfish when it comes to Grace I'd like for her to be all mine but it's not possible and her happiness comes before anything in the world, even before mine. So I think she needs to wait and see what this Damian has to say, personally I don't like him very much and the feeling I think it's even mutual but who knows, maybe he's not as fucked up of a snobby ass as he looks like. Grace will never admit it, but she wants him in her life, otherwise she wouldn't be sad or even thinking about. Grace is like this, when she doesn't care, she simply doesn't think about. But if this is effecting her to this point, it means that she wants this to be true, she wants for her life to have a second chance and I'm not going to step in. if she will want me, then okay she will have me on her side, but this is something she needs to decide by herself.

I've seen this Damian once and doesn't certainly look like Grace at all, he has dark hair and eyes, he's very tall and slim and with loose curled hair, his skin is even more dark than Grace's. Grace is the exact opposite, she's pale, small, yes for a girl she's tall but not too much, she has long rebel light brown hair and blue deep eyes. maybe I'm missing something, I have looked at him distantly so who knows.

I need to look at them better I'm sure the key is in his face, if he's her father, she will have something of him too. I'm sure of it.

''This is even worse than before. My family only keeps getting better'' she sarcastically remarks and I grin kissing her head before laying her down. I careful place my body at the top of her and caress her face.

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