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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

I wake up for a loud noise and suddenly find myself alone in the dark. I start to panic and my breath goes crazy. I can see, it's all black and Harry is not here. I don't remember this room. I don't know this room. I've never slept here before and it's all too new a scary. I feel like a baby the first time she sleeps alone without her parents. I see ghosts and monsters from everywhere. I gulp and kick the covers off of my body, carefully not to touch Nanci who's sleeping cuddled in a little ball next to me. Thunders after thunders enlighten the room every now and then, and I feel like I can't live anymore. The memories from the fight with Harry are all coming back to me. Rough and mean. Without any respect for a poor mistreated heart as mine. I press my legs against my chest and start to rock back and forth to block the noise out but it doesn't work. I need Harry for this. he's the only one who can help me.

But again, he's not here for a reason. He doesn't care.

I start to sob, asking for pity. There is a limit even for me. I don't know how to bare this, it's too much. I feel like being suffocating by my fears. I hug myself with the cover trying to warm myself but the cold is too deep inside of me to make it go away. I rub my hands on my body to give me some comfort but it's all vane, when the next thunder comes knocking to my mind destroying my fragile walls. Then I close my eyes and the nightmares begin. I sit down on the floor and press my head against the mattress, cupping my other ear with the hand and breath in and out to make him go away.

''oh Grace. you can't hide'' I hear him say and I sob dragging my nails in my skin to use the pain as a medicine to his words. maybe this way I will be too busy crying to listen to his obscenities.

The storm only gets worse and I attempt not to start screaming. I bite down at the cover that I have around me and stay quite. So he can't find me.

I look at Kira's closet and see it opening. I gasp for air and stand up. Nanci starts to meowing but I'm too scared to care. I swallow the lamp I have in my throat that prevents me from screaming and look out of the window. The rain is falling down hard and I can barely think straight. I have too much staff that keeps repeating inside my mind. All the time he have touched me, all his words. the kiss he once gave me. They are all coming back, making me feel sick. But he can't be here. He doesn't know where I live.

A light illuminate the garden and I blink in disbelief.

My mind is playing strange tricks, because standing at the centre of Harry's yard, there is a man. Wet hair and dirty clothes and he's looking right up to me, to my eyes. I come closer and glare back until the light comes again and I can see his dark eyes becoming white for only a second. I recognize my dad. It's him. I know it's him and he's smiling to me.

He says something but I can't get the chance to understand what he's saying. So he repeats it and this time, I make out his words too clearly. They will always be part of this nightmare from the rest of my life. the way his eyes light up, like he's possessed by something. His face is twisted by the rage. everything is just too real to be a dream. The garden goes dark and I can spot him anymore. That's when the anxiety starts to take place. No one will ever protect me. I start to sob loudly, exiting the room. He knows I'm here, I need to go away. I run out of the room, down the stairs and lock the door that gives on the garden. I look outside but I can see anyone. I don't bother searching again.

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