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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

Ed winks at me and gestures for me to look behind me. When I do, I see him. Damian, making his way towards me.

''Sorry for being late'' he says and grabs me by the waist, making me spin around.

This one time, here in his arms, I finally understand what kids feel the day of Christmas, what a child feels for his mother when she buys them a new toy . What means to have someone who will be there not because of blood or duty, but be there because of you. Because of their love for you, no matter what.

Knowing Damian will be ready to give up on everything for me, it's like looking at the clouded sky at night and feeling strange, it's scaring, because is so dark up there but you find yourself craving for that universe you want so bad to know. You find yourself raising an hand and pretend you can catch even a glimpse of that power the endless owns. Damian is like the stars hidden behind the clouds, even if you don't see them, you know they are always there. Damian is my star. Damian is my father, and even if he wasn't there my whole life, I know he would do anything to change that. May these be just words, but I believe those words, more than I believe in my life. More than my own breath.

And I want him in my life. because I know he's the right one, I know he's going to love me like each day may be the last and you know why? Because I'm going to give him all I have to make him stay. I won't give him a single reason to go.

For the first time in my life, I'm actually thinking about giving and not always expecting and taking. For the first time in my life, I feel loved. If I dare to look around, I won't see disgust on the face of people, I would see pride, and caring and love. I would see not only my friends, in the eyes of those ones who decided to stay, I would see my life in them. Each of them holds a specific part of that heart George tried to tire apart but failed. And that's only because Harry reminded me I don't need to just exist, that it's alright to cry, to feel, to care. Even if it hurts like nothing else, it reminds you're alive. It's never wrong to give yourself to others, it will always be worth a try, because you will never know, maybe you can save that person and be saved even without knowing.

So I squeeze Damian as hard as I can. Because he put back in place, the last piece of my shattered heart. He fixed even the last scar and cut George finally out of this. out of my soul and body.

'' I wasted time trying to convince my gift, to come along. I've been trying to kidnap him since Monday'' he jokes and I giggle. I find myself caressing his hair gently, as he's the most precious thing I've ever hold. Because Damian is, one of them at least, he's the truly family besides my friends, that I have. He's my blood and I feel it know. Every doubt has been washed away, now I know, he's my dad. I feel it in my bones, in the way he's holding me, because we're one, the mirror of the other; one the exact copy yet the exact opposite of each other.

He breathes my scent and I sense him relaxing, he thought I was still angry after my little scene on the phone.

''Now we have to dance, people are waiting for him to sing'' I nod and let him drag me at the center of the dance floor.

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