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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

Mrs. Fitz opens her mouth to speak and I dart my attention to her completely, when two people come join us at the table.

''Grandmother!'' one exclaims surprises and glares at me upside down. they are surely siblings, both with dark hair and same face shape. The boy is around eighteen, the girl fifteen I guess. they're looking at me like I'm some kind of mythological figure and let me say it, it's really creepy. I think this two guys have ever been in a places like this, surrounded by normal people.

I stand up from my seat and smile down to Mrs. Fitz genuinely because she's the only one in that family that deserves respect from me and I wink at her.

''I'll let you decide then I'll come take your orders, meanwhile, may I bring you something to drink to delight your staying?'' I say proudly of me. delight? I don't use this word Since the first time I've learned it. I giggle in silence and try not to burst right in their faces, it would be rude and erase the good impression I've made.

''Three hot tea: one, lemon and the others, English Breakfast please Grace'' she gestures to her nephews to take a seat, but they don't stop staring at me. I spin around and walk towards the counter to give orders to June. She grins at me and points to the family with her head.

''That family is snobby as fuck, I can't help by wanting to rip their heads off.'' I place a hand on June's shoulder and pat up and down. I know the feeling but honestly, I'm polite only because Lee needs me to be. I'm doing this because he's my friend and he asked me a favour.

''C'mon June. Mrs. Fitz it's not that bad'' I defend the old woman and she rolls her eyes pouring water in the teapot.

''Actually she isn't part of that family, she's an Hogarth not a Fitz, but you're right. I just don't understand why people like them, should come hanging out in a places like this. it's not made for them'' if I think about it, I can't help thinking she's right. but then again, Mrs. Fitz It's a very simple and nice woman, besides the furs and the diamonds but she's a woman so I guess it's normal. she's polite, sincere in her actions. She truly doesn't seem part of that snobby family, and also Damian.

I puff and pass my wrist on my forehead. I need a brief pause from work, I've been walking up and down this local the whole day.

''Where's Harry?'' she asks looking busy with the tea. Is she worried about something?

''Mmh.. he went with Alex, they needed a little boy's night out, away from me I guess or something. Harry didn't tell me much before leaving'' I giggle and June's blue eyes darken. She doesn't seem too happy about this. he came to me in the changing room and blathering a lot of things I didn't understand then kiss me goodbye and leave, giving me his keys just in case I needed them.

''I... don't like the idea of Alex and Harry alone. girls will eat them alive. Even when I'm with him, people basically treat me as I'm invisible and focus their attention on Alex. It's fucking annoying'' my face softens and I embrace June with an arm, placing my head on her shoulder.

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