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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

I see Harry's knuckles whiten while he holds my phone in his hands and his eyes go darker. I gulp loudly and take a step in his direction. I can see he feels betrayed but there's nothing to feel bad about. Me and Alex are just friends and I don't think Alex sees something more than that in me. I can tell when people fall in love with me, I've played this game for a very long time so I'm sure Alex isn't in love with me.

''Harry'' I try to have his attention but he's so deep in thought. I want to touch him and tell him it is nothing but I'm afraid he'll snap like a bent and I don't want to fight. I've had enough for today. Suddenly he rises his head and look at me with his pierce eyes. he's more than upset and I see the green burning like when you put an emerald under the light.

''You're not going. Understand Grace?'' I force myself not to fire back in my usually way and I swallow my arrogance and independence. I reach for his face and cup it with my hands.

''Can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm tired of fighting for now.'' His figure doesn't soften and I start to panic. We can't take another argument; we're still trying to recover from the previous one.

''Grace. I said you're not going, there's nothing to talk about. Just say you agree with me'' he states and I feel my stomach hurts a little. I think it's the stress. I really need of a couple of days off from all this drama.

''Harry,'' I warn him, I can stand when people tell me what I can and what I cannot do. It makes me snap in the worst way possible.

''Please,'' I whine and he rolls his eyes throwing my phone on the counter. I smile at him and put my hands around his neck, brushing my nose against his. He takes me by the hips and lifts me a little so our faces are at the same height and he can look into my eyes.

''I'm just tired,'' I inform him and he nods kissing my chin.

''Me too. But I really need a bath, you made me came into my boxer, remember.'' I laugh a little and kiss him lazily on the lips. He forces his tongue into my mouth and I gasp for hair because he takes me by surprise.

''Fuck,'' I whisper and he smiles against my skin before keep going with the kiss. It's deep and wild. Not usually the same Harry gives me. This is like tasting the essence of the real Harry. the one I'm sure he tries to hide from me all the time. the truth is that I love careless Harry more than every other Harry. I said I love? Fuck I mean I like.

He sits me on the counter and spread my legs open so he can fit. He likes to be in between my legs I think. Someway we always end up hooking up somewhere and he's always in between me. I laugh because it seems so dirty put it in this way but I don't care in this moment. I feel strange. Don't know how to explain. like we shouldn't do this not because it's not right, I know it is, but my body. I feel like embarrassed and my cheeks flushes for no reason. What's wrong with me.

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