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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

Sometimes you stay in a room crowded with people, most of the times you don't even know half of them, but still don't hear a single sound a part from your own heart getting broken into million pieces. It doesn't hurt because you need to feel something. No, it's worse, it disappears for a little bit and you're just a witness of your own misery. A ghost that can interact with its own life.

That's what I'm feeling seeing him being kissed by another girl. seeing that wonderful brown hair girl crushing her lips on my Harry.

I jump on my feet and the stool falls to the ground, producing a noise I can't hear, I only can feel her flash under my finger as I curled her bones with my hands.

No one touches my Harry, never.

''Grace'' someone says from behind me and two hands presses me down. I her him talking to me, saying things that sounds like names, a name. it's pretty long but I can't manage out the words, I can't manage out anything else but my rage. I jerk them away and pass over June and Alex to rip that little brunette away. when I get closer, Harry is already walking away. I'm looking right in his face and I feel like I don't know him. like he's a stranger.

I hear screams, followed by harsh words and his face finishes on the counter, hitting hit pretty hard. I sigh and suck my breath as the world snaps back to me. it's loud, but my heart is beating louder.

''Harry!'' I yell rushing to him but someone is right over him, punching him hard. it takes me a little time to understand it's Damian, the man who's beating the shit out of my Harry.

Alex is fast this time as he wakes up and succours his best friend. I slide in between the two men, knowing or better hoping Damian will stop once he sees me. he's all red and his eyes are like possessed, he's so upset. I push him away from Harry with all the strength I have making him fall down.

''What the fuck!'' I exclaim and open my arms to stress my sentence. Damian reluctantly stands up but I don't care, he's not who I want to take care of. June is next to her who is basically trying to distance herself from us, becoming so little.

''Rain!'' June scolds her and Rain holds her arms to herself, scared by her high tone. I only can see her, the way her lips were moving on Harry's, without permission. How does she dare. I've never felt something so dangerous, filing my arms and pulping right inside my hands, making me want to punch her hard.

''What in the hell were you think Rain? '' Harry says brushing his hand on his mouth to clean the blood that is now rolling down so hard that I think it's not just to take the taste of it out from his lips. When he's done, his lips are red and swallowed

''I thought... after that message you sent me, we were a thing'' she starts and I dart my eyes on hers, feeling my heart goes cold. Harry sent her a message? When? Why?

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