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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

I wake up feeling numb and with every inch of my skin swollen or aching or both. I lift my gaze but my head is too heavy and I can't seem to move. I look at my arms and I see they are all covered by bruises and cuts, along with needles. I can't see really well because I can't even seem to open my eyes properly, there's too much white. Maybe I'm dead but I can feel something warm around one of my hands. It's soft and calming. I move my head to the side with all the strength that I have and look down to see Grace. She's fast asleep with half of her body on my bed, carefully away from mine then I realize. I'm at the hospital. All this white, of course it's not my room. But why is she still here? Why Alex didn't take her home to rest. I force myself to sit, with the back against the headboard without separate my hand from Grace's. I can feel my strength coming back to me piece by piece. My head is spinning a little and I feel like I'm hangover but I don't bother much about it, the only thing that I really care now that I'm awake, is to check on Grace. I hope she's okay. She has some scratches on her hand but nothing too serious. Her face is half visible because of her strands of hair. I pull one arm out trying to reach for her but footsteps walk in the room and I lift my gaze.

''I wouldn't touch her. She just fell asleep.'' Alex has in his hands two cups of coffee and a very dark look on his face. He seems worn out.

''Is she okay?'' I ask and Alex suffocates a laugh, sitting himself on the chair next to Grace.

''You're the one who's almost dead because of this girl, and the first thing you ask, is if she's okay?'' my jaw tenses making me start a little for the pain.

''It wasn't her fault.'' I say with gritted teeth not wanting to start a fight with Alex. He saved me once more. But he doesn't stop...

''I was just playing with you. this time she really saved your ass, man.'' He likes to make me mad. I know because he's the only one who knows how to piss me off, he knows all my soft spots.

''What do you mean?'' I ask caressing Grace's fingers. They are a little ruined by the blows she had given to that boys. To protect me.

''She saw us coming and she put up a play, giving Lee and me the time to catch up.'' Oh, if only Alex could have seen her. She was the best actress I've ever seen. Christian believed her so easily. My lovely Grace, I told you, you would have saved me.

''She didn't leave this room, not even for a second since yesterday Harry.'' I look out of the little window, it's almost dark outside. I think I've been asleep the whole Sunday.

'' I tried everything but she didn't listen. She's so stubborn.'' An involuntary smile makes its way on my face and I look down at her. She's tired but she's not having nightmares. I can tell by the sweet expression she has on her face.

''I'm selfish, I know that but I'm glad she didn't listen to you.'' And I'm not only talking about this moment, even the time when Alex told her to leave me alone. I would have lost her if I would have listen to him too. I still remember Grace 's expression from that night. Pure terror on her face. She was so scared because of her father, but most of all, she feared for me.

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