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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

''I offer 2 thousand pounds'' I look behind me and see Amanda gulping loudly. She shyly comes closer to me and tries to erase the tension putting on a fake smile to reassure me.

''Amanda,'' her dad says looking to her face with his typical adoration. He bites to his bottom lip and I see pride in his eyes. Amanda shares a glare with him and at the end I see Daniel smile looking to the crowd.

''She can't make offers'' Christians fires back and our little moment of happiness falls to pieces. I sigh and Amanda pulls out her bottom lip like she's pounding or something. No one is here to have compassion of us. Then someone on the back stands and I look straight into his eyes.

''I can!'' Alex simply states crossing his arms and challenging Christian. he doesn't seem worry but I am. I mean, Alex is not rich and I don't want him to use all his savings to take me out of this bad situation. I stare for a while until finally Alex turns to look in my direction and meet my eyes.

I shake my head only for him to know and he narrows his eyes. I really appreciate this, it means more than they could ever understand, more than they could ever imagine. The fact that they all are standing up to defend me and protect me is something too overwhelming for me. I'm not used to have people who care about me, I'm not used to look in someone else's eyes and see love and affection. But Amanda, Alex and Dave. They are something special to my heart. However, this is going to end, I will carry this inside of me for a very long time. because it feels so good. I'm not going to let Christian win, he can have more money than anyone in this room, more influence and can make people believe at his stupid story but I don't actually care, he'll never have what I have. His dumb friend will never do such a thing for love, only for fear. He'll never know how does it feel to have someone who truly loves you so I'll fight and not only for me.

I feel sorry for Amanda. the first period of time we knew each other, I judge her wrong, I thought she was just a stupid dumb doll at Christian's service. I used to like her but I didn't care much. I didn't understand she was just wearing a mask to make them accept her. just to make Christian happy, because he doesn't like smart girls. He wants to play and he can't do it if his dolls know how to anticipate all his moves. She has such a big heart and she's so kind and sweet. Lee comes closer to Alex and dials something on his phone, bringing it on his ear. He leans over and places an hand on Alex's shoulder.

Christian starts to shift uncomfortable in his position and stares at the two of them. if I was him, I would have been afraid too. Lee is a smart ass. Alex search for my attention and I beg him not to do any other offer only using my eyes, he can't effort this, it's too much. These are rich people, every time he will make an offer, they will put more money on the table, it's useless. We can't win this time, this is their ground and I feel so out of my element.

''Grace,'' Alex mutters with his mouth and I shake my head hard. He looks so broken for my refusal. I just can't let him ruined himself for such a stupid thing. I won't let Christian take down one of them. they are all I have.

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