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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

At Lee's, me and June are discussing about the last things for tomorrow, shit I didn't tell Harry yet. I really need to do it. fuck, fuck. Lily has the day off, so me and my lovely June are working together deciding for her too.

''Lily wants to go shopping,'' she says rolling her eyes and I cringe. It's not that I don't like, it's just that I don't have any specific thing to buy and I don't want to spend a day going around the mall without any idea, just looking to staff I will never buy. Same goes for June.

''I propose cinema or club, I suggest the last one hardly'' I take the order and give it to the costumers without paying any attention.

''Clubbing is okay, I heard there is nothing good lately to see anyways'' June nods and her eyes softens a little, her mouth opens to welcome a big smile.

''Look, there is that friend of yours there, looking like a lost poppy.'' I dart my eyes away only to find Alex entering. Now this explains why he asked me if I work here at lunch.

I wave to catch his attention and he comes to sit in front of me, his eyes look at June for a second before landing to me. I see him blushing while smiling at me and I grin.

''June,'' I say and she comes to me with a cloth on her hand and a wet glass on the other.

''Mmh?'' she mutters and I point to Alex. I smirk evilly to him and he rises his hands to stop me but I simply ignore him.

''Can you take care of my lovely friend? Lee has just ask for my presence in his office.'' June eventually faces me with a confused look on her face then check if Lee is really waiting for me and I slide in front of the door of his office with the biggest poker face on.

''I don't think he has shouted for you,'' she questions me and I nervously laugh walking backwards to Lee.

''Oh he did, a while ago but I forgot. Please have good care of my Alex, I need to see what he wants'' I don't give her the chance to fire back anything and storm in the room, shutting the door. I breath out and look at Lee who's trying is best not to laugh at my upset face. I have my hair all over my face and red cheeks.

''What brings you here, Grace?'' he asks biting his lower lip. I roll my eyes and spy the two of them from the little window Lee has in his office that face the counter directly.

''A Love mission. I'm trying to find a girlfriend to Alex'' I whisper and hear Lee's chair swinging back then footsteps. In a matter of seconds, he's next to me, leaning down to check who is the mysterious girl I'm talking about too.

''June?'' he half yells and I shut his mouth with my hand pulling him against the wall so June can't see.

''Lee, Shut up,'' I warn and he puts his hands in between us pushing me away, still giggling.

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