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Grace's POV.

''Alex? I'm not sure my father will like this...'' she states biting her bottom lip and I frown for her words. I may be an ass sometimes but I don't use this tone with people only because they are not rich and dress with expensive cloths. I use it when I don't like them for their inner self.

There are other ways to show richness. I feel anger rising in my stomach and I want to scream to Amanda for her sassy tone, I don't want to think that I've judge her wrong.

''Alex's coming or I'll stay at home.'' I fire back, no intention in negotiation.

''Fine'' she grumbles dismissing me and turns to leave ''I'll pick you up at six, so we can get ready. Tell Alex to wear a smoking'' she says and I'm about to walk over her and say something not nice but she walks away too soon.

She's just stressed, that's the only explanation to her attitude. I say to myself. I don't want to believe she's a bitch because she's not. I know she's not. When the door closes, I don't even get the time to blink that it opens again, showing a smiling Alex wearing a bottom down dark shirt with two brown suspenders and a pair of jeans. He looks really good with that cloths, like a man who has just finished a photo shoot. He looks older because of the beard and I need to say, he's better with it even if I don't usually like it.

''Hi Cinderella,'' he greets and I nod trying to take care of the many costumers.

''Harry called me... tonight we're gonna stay up all night.'' I sigh at the thought. I only want to go to sleep. I feel so tired but how can I forget? That damn charity party.

''I have a better Idea'' I provoke him, causing Alex to laugh and take a place on the stool in front of me. ''What do you think about going to a charity party surrounded by snobby people who tries to make a big impression on even snobbier people and try to make me stay awake?'' I ask and he stares for a little while, then he points his elbows on the counter holding his face like a little child. I picture him rocking his feet back and forth waiting for me to explain. I giggle a little and use a cloth to clean my workplace. Lee is a OCD and every time he comes closer, he's always showing me things I don't do or see.

''Amanda just invited me and I asked if you could come. Please don't let me go alone or I'll pull all my hair and hide in a corner crying.'' I use my sweetest face, moving my eyelids fast so my eyes are a little waterier. Alex rolls his eyes at me but I see a smirk on the corner of his mouth.

''No the poppy face...please. I can't resist to that, Harry uses all the time,'' he states darting his attention away. At the sound of Harry's name my heart goes cold and I lower my gaze. It's been like two hours and I miss him so much already.

''C'mon Alex. I'll be wearing a dress, there's no worse torture than this. You'll see me suffering and stumbling like a joker.'' I playfully hit his shoulder but he's still giving me his back.

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