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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

I see Alex and Lee talking to someone but I can't see who it is because Grace grabs my forearm and digs her nails deep in my skin.

''Grace-'' I can't get the chance to finish because she shushes me by pushing me away from my friends, heading us to the fire exit.

''Harry, you need to run. I'll tell the others to meet with you at the end of the block but for now.'' It's my turn to cut her off by cupping her face with my hands. She drags me into a dark corner, looking around nervously.

''What's going on?'' I ask searching for her eyes but she doesn't look back.

''I thought he was busy. I thought he'd have left us alone for the night at least. That's why I said yes in the first place, it was safe.'' I'm confused by her words. The fear is clear in her eyes as she bites her bottom lip

''I need to go and you have to leave too, Harry. Promise?'' She asks and I shake my head. No way I'm leaving her alone with God knows what.

" Tell me what is it that is scaring you off.'' Grace rolls her eyes and I take a step closer. She pushes me away the second I try to touch her.

''Harry! I said you need to go,'' she states but I ignore her. Instead, I make my way out of our hiding and walk over to where Alex and Lee are now screaming.

''Harry,'' she scolds me but I don't stop. I'm about to reach them when Grace turns me around and leads me through the crowd.

''What the hell!'' I say jerking her gently.

''Harry you can't go there. He'll see you.'' I'm starting to get sick of this whole situation. I need to know the truth and I need to know it now. Otherwise I'll not stop.

''Tell me the truth then,'' I lie but she believes me. It almost hurts me to see her trusting my lies so easily however she doesn't give me other options.

''Christian and the other boys. They are all here.'' It takes me a moment to realize that she's really afraid about what they could do to me. Oh Lord.

''Didn't-'' I lick my lips and take a long breath before speaking again '' Didn't I tell you that I don't need protection from that band of coward pranks?'' Grace lowers her gaze, feeling both embarrassed and guilty.

''You don't know what they could do to you, Harry and I don't want to stay here to find it out. You don't know them.'' But I do know them. There was a time where I used to be just like them, I know how they think and what they do to take their revenge and I'm not scared about it. The thing that haunts me the most. is that Grace genuinely believes I'm too weak to protect her or to even protect myself. This time I'm not going to retreat, I'm going to fight and stand up for myself. They're all going to leave her alone or I'll piss off very, very bad. I turn on my heels and make my way out of the crowd, my hands shaking for the excitement. I want to punch Christian so hard he will bleed until he faints in front of all of his little mini-self's. When I reach Alex and Lee, Alex has his arms crossed against his chest, a smile playing on his face as he challenges Christian.

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