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Grace's POV.

Harry has been paranoid, too much paranoid. He looks around the whole house at least twice a day, he never leaves me alone, not even for a second even if it's been a week after what I like to call 'the incident'.

Do you want to know what is the worst part? well basically Harry ignores me, he doesn't glare at me, doesn't come closer and he doesn't touch me since that night. Since I rejected him. it's strange, odd almost, because since we first met this is the first time he acts like this. and it's scaring. Knowing that he's right next to me when we lay to go to sleep and I wait for him to lean forward and do something, like kiss me or anything else. But he doesn't.

The silence is so loud, and hurts more than words. sometimes I wish I wasn't so proud. He stares at the ceiling until he falls asleep. I put my headphones on and do the same. Honestly, I don't force myself too much to make him talk, I do the exact same. I could make him fall any moment, maybe I don't want to. The days are all boring. I go to school, I make my homework with Harry constantly staring at me or I go to work, and also there, Harry sits down on the table right in front of my work place and watch my every move without properly looking inside my eyes. we avoiding each other because we're afraid, afraid of what my refusal really meant. Did I break him for real with that? Do he still care? did I still care? I know he's questioning himself every second, I can read it in his eyes. I feel so sorry for that but I can't help it.

There past days I basically closed all the doors I had forcefully opened. to everyone. I don't talk to anyone besides costumers, June and Lily try their best but they can't cheer me up, I'm too out of myself. I spent the most of the time thinking about my dad and brother's words, they are like knives that cuts always a little deeper inside my body, hurting me every time more. I feel so insecure and looking back to my old Grace, she seems like an inexistent ghost, just the spectrum of a past that was built on a lie or better on a web full of lies.

I have a mom I don't want to hear from, a brother I don't want to find, a real brother who's far, far away living his life without caring about me, an abusive dad now trying to rehab himself for restarting with me a new life and then there is Harry. everything good summarized in his name, the name of the guy I've pushed away, maybe losing his trust and love for...let's say forever shall we? I ignore Alex calls the whole time and Dave's also. I barely talk to Lee and die in silence watching Amanda playing and kissing Christian in front of everyone. I want to kill myself while vomit, is it possible?

Oh, of course I'm not stalking her... sited with Harry and the guys, I watch her at a table alone from everyone. I usually wait a few minutes before join students for lunch. Harry knows where I am, I catch him staring sometimes but he never comes closer to me. he understands it's better this way.

Today is Wednesday. I walk inside Lee's with the same annoyed expression and with my brain out of earth until Lee comes in sight, blocking me.

''Oh thank god'' He says grabbing me by the shoulder and shaking me slightly. I look around already bored and notice something unusual. The place is not the same anymore. The vintage looks the local had just disappeared, replaced by this expensive façade, like some fancy restaurant or something. It feels weird and uncomfortable. This is not the classic place I like to be. The tables are all arranged by a specific order with a different kind of flower on each one. There are lit candles also and silverware along with porcelain plates.

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