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Harry's POV.

I'm freaking out because Grace is all alone with Christian and I can't get out of this fucking car. I hear him whispering things to her ear and I see her cringes but she doesn't fire back. This is not the Grace I love. She never listens, or gives up. she fights with everything she has. I hit the window to gain her attention but she doesn't open her eyes. they stay shut and her bottom lip is now hidden between her teeth. Something certainly is not right. I glare down to see Christian's hands and I suddenly freeze. Not happening. Not in front of my eyes, not after Grace was so happy this morning. Not again to her. I hit the window harder and repentantly I feel this lamp in my throat harden. I feel powerless and useless at the same time. I have all this anger in my heart but no way to take it out. I just have to stay here and watch, because Christian is waiting for me to make my move and hit him so he can have his victory. His hands are unbuckling her pants. I can't look, I just keep hitting that fucking window, hoping maybe it will break.

''Grace!'' I scream and she starts a little. She's hearing my words, all my blows but she's not feeling my arms around her. My touch is all she wants now and the only thing I can't give her.

''Grace, open the fucking door. Open up, Grace. Open this damn door!'' but she shakes slightly her head. Some of her hair are on her face and the wind is messing a little with them.

''Don't scream or run Grace. or Harry will pay for this.'' He says into her ear, sliding his hands under the hem of her jeans.

''How do you feel Thatcher?'' he asks with a grin on his face. I turn around and give my back to them. I hold myself on my elbows, pressing my back against the door and uses my legs to kick the window as hard as I can. I know how much I love this car. This was my first present from my parents that I got to choose all alone. I remember how much happy I was when I first ride it. I felt so independent and powerful. I finally had something mine. I remember spending hours cleaning it up to make it shine and let the girl fall for it. but now she's just something between me and my Grace. an obstacle. And even if it hurts a little, I'm not going to stop if this means saving her. I keep on strike but nothing happens.

''Fucking Car, fucking Christian. I'll be damn for the rest of my life if I let you leave unharmed from this.'' I grittier my teeth but it's useless the window doesn't break. I dart my attention back to Grace. she's breathing heavily, trying her best not to lose it in front of Christian. I had promise. I told her I'll protect her from everything bad. And now look at her, she's so pale and barely can stay still.

''Christian!'' I scream but he only places his chin on Grace's shoulder ignoring me.

Why his fucking father is on the phone, by the way. Shouldn't he be the one to check on his crazy son? Then I glare in the direction where his car is supposed to be but I find nothing. He simply left and leave him here. And that's when I realize that they are not so different. They're both people with no feelings. I scream for help but I know no one will hear me. This car has too thick windows, I can't escape nor can I break them. For the first time I really hated my car. I force myself to stay calm and check if Grace is alright. Christian is moving his hand up and down under her jeans and I don't know what to do. I feel like screaming and cursing but no sound comes out. Everything is stuck in my body. my strength, my voice, my tears. Everything is trapped inside me and I can't take anything off because this is what you feel when you're useless.

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