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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

The crowd parts and he makes his way in between them, his glare only for me. his curls pushed back, his white shirt completely bottom up along with the black jacket. He's so elegant, that looks like a prince.

This seems a dream. The way he's smiling at me, with his dimples, and his eyes. I bite my lower lip not to scream and fast my path. He raises a thumb at me and I smile widely as I take a step after the other. Harry gestures for me to raise my chin and I do as he asks, looking at everyone before returning to him once more. My heart is about to explode when even the last one of the steps is left behind me and my hand finds his.

I want to cry because he's here and I've missed him so much. He came all the way for me and I...just want to kiss him so badly and tell him how much this is effecting me. I let go of his hand and wrap my arms around him instead. Harry lets out a long breath before squeezing me into his chest. His lips pressed to my cheek. I move a bit so that now they are on mine and I kiss him. he kisses me back harshly. I cup his face, feeling my heart returning to me. I've missed him so much.

I unclasp the clip and take my hair down, massaging it with my hand so that It falls on my shoulders. Harry gasps.

''So unbelievably beautiful'' he murmurs and I feel him pressing himself into me. I wrap my legs around his figure tightly so there is no room left in between us.

Harry leaves a trail of kisses all around my neck, making me goose bumps. I try to stay focus as I unbutton his shirt, showing his tattoos. I take it down and kick his biceps, making him shiver.

He bites my chin and I smile as he pushes me against the wall again. Harry cups my breasts and kisses them harshly pulling aside the fabric of my dress, almost ripping it. He pins my arms up and kisses my shoulder then down to my side, searching for the zip. Once he finds it, he gently opens the dress and slides a finger under it, caressing one of my nipples. I moan closing my eyes.

''Shit'' I whisper and Harry grins lingering his touch on my sensible part. He lets go of one of my legs that touches the ground and wraps the other on his shoulder, kneeling down right in front of my lower body. I try to take off the dress but he stops my hands.

''Not yet'' he instructs me and his head disappears under it, I feel his lips playing with my stomach, then my thighs but not with what I want for him to touch.

''Harry'' I beg and he bites the spot right over my crotch. His tongue tempts me almost not touching me as he licks me with the tip of it. I hit the doorframe with my fists in frustration and curse heavily. He moves my left leg aside and I sense his curls tickling my swollen skin as he press a cast kiss on my clit. His tongue slides in between me and caresses the sensible skin without entering, driving me crazy.

''You're so wet'' I hear him say and his breath fanning on me, making my skin goose bumps.

Then without warning, his tongue piercers me hard and I almost fall down, but Harry keeps me steady. I push him closer using the leg on his shoulder and he slides his hands up and down my legs. He sucks and blows and I bite my lips not to scream.

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