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Alex slowly turns the certificates around and I discover to have my eyes closed

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Alex slowly turns the certificates around and I discover to have my eyes closed.

''Okay'' I hear Alex saying and I gulp, open one eye.

''Mine says that I do not have a father'' Alex states not too surprise, so I turn to look down at him, my arms still around his neck. ''Oh, I asked my uncle once about my parents, but he only talked about my mom for hours, telling me how bitch she is and stuff. never a word about my dad so I just figured...'' I nod and glare to his hands that now are scrolling up and down on the paper.

''It also says my mom comes from Pakistan, her name is Aminah Price''. I puff and look at mine. The name of my father is well readable, George Williams, born in Pennsylvania in 1970 the 26th of November. his birthday is close. Instead my mother's name is cancelled like the one on the marriage paper, damn father.

''I can't read yours'' he takes it near his face and tries to understand what's written behind the black ink. ''I can only see that your mom is American born the 7th of January 1977, the name is not readable though. It says you're born in Pennsylvania 16th December 1996, nothing more. It's pretty ruined fuck. '' I take his and check where he is born. Nothing will ever explain the pain I felt when I read his birth country. My brother clearly told me my mom was still in America when she had her second child. I can still recall his words, and they hurt like hell.

''England'' I whisper and lower my head until it hits his shoulder. We both sigh, defeated and discomforted. It's like feeling the world coming crushing down on you without notice.

''Oh, shame,'' Alex caresses my cheek and I lean my face on his touch, letting him erase the pain. I was so sure!

''It can't be possible, I was more than sure...how.. how can this be possible?'' Alex brushes his lips on my forehead and I close my eyes. it's like being emptied by the disappointment.

It was the only thing I wanted with all my heart and once again, they took it away from me.

''Hey'' Alex calls me wrapping his arms around me. ''it's okay. Nothing is changed. I still love you the same'' I do not discover a crap about my family, only that my mom is American, in her late thirties, same hair as me and that Alex is half Pakistan surely not my brother. My hopes were too high, next time I will learn no to dream that much.

''I was so sure...'' I repeat more to myself and he nods to me, feeling the same. He can quite understand my sorrow.

''Imagine how bad I feel now that I can't throw it to Harry's face?'' I giggle a little and he stands up.

''C'mon, let's watch a movie, shall we?'' at least this night won't be wasted.

''Can we watch Shrek; do you have it?'' I ask and Alex smiles like a little child.

''Harry gave it to me last year for my birthday, it's his favourite fairy-tale. He used to watch when he was too down'' he searches for it into the enormous collections of movies and TV series he has.

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