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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

An officer comes into my view and opens up the door of my jail.

''You've been realised boy,'' he says in a blank tone. He's annoyed by his work. I can't help but feel pity for him, shouldn't be easy to do the same things every day for years.

He takes off my handcuffs and I rub my hands around my wrist. It's been like five hours since I arrived but it felt like an eternity. I hope for Alex's safety that Grace is okay and that he's not come here leaving her alone and sick. Because I could lose it any moment, no matter who I find in front of me. I walk past the guard and shrug my shoulder. I hurry to grab all my things, my wallet, my phone and my rings. I feel nervous, I'm afraid Grace is not okay, I have this feeling in my stomach that is torturing me since this morning and nothing I can do to make it go away. I hate myself for letting her alone like some kind of forgotten present on the ground.

Eventually I pull into the hallway, people are coming and going, some because they have been arrested and others realized like me. No Christian's in sight and this relieved me not just a little. I turn the corner and lift my eyes that automatically land on a girl. Her straight hair a mess, her cheeks red and her face not looking into my direction. She passes a hand on her face to whip some sweat. She's wearing my t-shirt. And a pair of skinny jeans. I feel the lamp in my throat lighten up when she finally looks in my direction, eyeing me almost immediately. She stands up and with this surprised expression. I path fast in her direction when she's enough close, she jumps into my arms. I take her and hold her tight, because I was so worried about her, because I've missed her and because I love her. She's really hot, her check that now is against mine is basically on fire.

''Why did you came? I told Alex-'' I start but she only tightens the grip, making me shut up.

I give up. the only thing that counts now, Is her body safe in my arms. I pull back to look her into her eyes. they are tired and red, she still has the temperature and I need to take care of it because it could get even worse.

''Let's go home'' I simply say and she nods, Alex comes join us with a smirk on his face.

''You never learn'' he states and I punch him playfully.

''Christian deserves it.'' I wrap an arm around Grace shoulder and as soon as we get out into the cold air, she narrows her eyes covering her body with her arms.

''You're cold?'' I ask kissing her forehead and pulling her closer. She's trying her best not to fall so I make it easier and take her into my arms, lifting her body from the ground. Alex is watching us carefully. I know because he's trying to pretend to be busy but I can tell he's staring and judging, in a good way. I swear I almost see him smile while I climb with Grace on the passenger seat on the back of my car. Grace smiles sleepy and closes her eyes, brushing her head against my chest. Is something she really like to do when she's tired and it resemble of a little cat. I like it when she does it. Alex drives us home and I let him take my car so he can go home too. I wave him goodbye and reach for the spare key under the carpet. Grace is still holding her arms around my neck. By the time we enter my bedroom she's asleep. I need to take her clothes off but I don't know if I should touch her. I feel slightly uncomfortable for what had happen this morning.

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