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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

I raise from the bed basically stumbling and with the eyes closed. Nancy gets off too and she starts to brush her nose on my legs.

''Mmh'' I say starting to undress me. I still hear the alarm in my ears and my eyes don't want to open. I splash some water in my face and rub my face to wake up. I'm really tired. Working for two days straight without sleeping and waking up at six in the morning after a fight, it doesn't leave you unharmed.

And today I need to work too.

I wash my face again and brash my teeth. I hear the door cracks open. I don't bother turning around, I unclasp my bra and slide down my panties before jumping in the shower. The hot water melts my body and I feel like relaxing under its touch. Harry doesn't even ask, he takes off his sweatpants and joins me, closing the shower door. I feel his strong arms around my body and I basically let go all the frustration and the heaviness I have collect in these days. He kisses my shoulder then up to my neck until he finds a hide spot behind my ear and I moan. He laughs and brushes his nose against my skin. He moves me so now I'm facing him and I throw my arms around his neck.

''I'm tired'' I say and he lifts me from the ground. I hug him tight and lose myself in his perfume. God it's really distracting. I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes while he moves us under the water, my legs wrapped around his waist.

''Maybe you shouldn't be working so hard,'' he says pressing his lips on my head. Then I feel the cold wall behind me and his body slightly against mine so he can keep me steady under his control.

''My little girl shouldn't be tiring herself so much. Especially if she doesn't have time for me then'' he whines and his hands are now on my butt moving me up. I play with his hair lazily to distract myself.

''I know,'' I say biting his neck skin. All my marks are almost faded.

''Grace'' I look up to see concern in his eyes. I smile trying to wash it away. Nancy is going around the bathroom jumping here and there like she doesn't know we're in the same room, about to fuck our brains out. How polite from her.

I turn to glare in his green and I see it shines a little. I know what's going to happen. Harry leans down and rubs his nose to mine biting my lips to tempt me, trying to get me to kiss him.

''Didn't you miss me?'' he states out of the blue and distances a bit to stare into his eyes. I'm taking a back from his question because I don't see the need to ask something like that, I mean, isn't it obvious?

His hold tightens for my silence and I sigh a bit because his finger are using too much strength to hold me.

''What do you say?'' I blurt back and Harry shakes his head looking up frustrated.

''Don't play around, just answer me. Yes, or no'' he's upset and insecure. Kind of lovely but he's scaring me to be honest.

''Yes.'' I finally decide to give in and he presses his forehead against mine.

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