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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

I know who it is without even looking at him, I could smell that shitty Irish cologne from a mile away. I don't need protection; I have to make that clear to everyone. Lately it seems that people think I'm just a weak girl who always needs to be saved. Hell no, I don't need anyone's help.

"So Grace..." he starts, that disgusting and barely understandable accent ignites my bones. "Are you coming tonight?" I just ignore him hoping that maybe he will grow some self-love and just walk away.

"Because I need to know if I have to buy condoms." I grind my teeth and turn to face him.

"Yes you should, and once you have them, why don't you just tie them all together, wrap them around your neck and squeeze." I sense his hand on my thigh.

"You should go. I'm starting to get pissed off." I simply state and look him up and down.

"C'mon Grace..." He says but someone's presence cuts him off. Oh I just want to eat alone! Leave me alone. Damn it. I grumble hard and turn to face the newbie. His dark hair is messier than usual but it's not casual. He has a frown on his face and I know that it's because Harry told him everything.

"Alex!" Amanda screams and the poor boy starts uncomfortable on his seat. I laugh a little and watch the two of them. Basically the only one talking is Amanda because she wants to get Alex's attention but he doesn't look at her once. He just stares at his food with no intention of having a conversation.

"Stevenson." Oliver says. I almost forget about him. ALMOST. Alex finally raises his head and looks at the blondie, I move uncomfortably in my chair. Alex's eyes are really dark now, and they still remind me of someone.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Alex warns pointing to Oliver's finger, both me and Oliver look at him surprised.

"Why not? I don't see my baby jerking away or complaining."

"Maybe she doesn't have anything to complain about, but he does."

His eyes point to someone behind me. I barely have the time to blink my eyes when Oliver is lifted from his seat and is thrown to the ground. Harry slowly sliding in his previous place, a frown on his face too. He doesn't look at me and I do the same, checking on Oliver. I hope that he's hurt somewhere. Yes, I'm a bitch but I don't care.

"I think it's better if you just disappear from here, because I'm barely controlling myself now." Harry whispers the last part only for me to hear it. I know he's angry and betrayed and everything but I can't let this ruin my plans. If I do, he's going to get really hurt. So I shift in my chair and look down at my food. I'm not hungry anymore.

"I thought I told you to stay away," I say with a low voice so he's the only one that can hear.

"I never said I would." He has a point. I ignore him and watch as Amanda cups her head with her hands and gazes at Harry like a lost puppy. I roll my eyes and stand up. Tired of everyone.

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