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The day after, I wake up pretty determined to discover something about my mom, so I take my phone while Harry is in the shower and I deal with Alex

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The day after, I wake up pretty determined to discover something about my mom, so I take my phone while Harry is in the shower and I deal with Alex.

''Hello,'' his voice is soft and pretty low, I guess he was sleeping. Oops.

''Alex,'' I say. This is the second time I'm acting behind Harry's back but I truly hope he won't mind. Alex he's the only one who can help me without stressing me out. Nancy jumps on my legs while I stay sat on the edge of the bed. ''It's Grace. I was wondering if you could help me with something,'' I breathe out, caressing her head, she's so big now, so beautiful.

''Mmh, why I think I won't like it at all?'' I glare at the bathroom door and turn the radio that stands on his nightstand on, so Harry won't hear me."

''Because you won't, but you have to help me anyway. It's about my mom,'' Alex sighs and listens to me while I explain the things I've discovered. Telling him about dad, and this James chick, telling him also about the last words he told me.

''Letters?'' Alex murmurs and I start to pace back and forth.

''Yes, we need to sneak in his house and find them. I'm pretty sure we will find an address or god knows what, anything will be better than nothing right?'' Alex doesn't seem too happy, and this makes me a little frustrated.

''You know how this sounds to me?'' he asks and I look at my feet, I'm already dressed and prepared to go to school, I'm only waiting for Harry, hopefully he will take a long, long shower to give me the time to take care of this with Alex.

''How?'' I press not wanting to know the answer, because it's the same question that is floating in my mind since my dad told me about the letters.

''It sounds like a trap, a pretty stupid one too and you're going to fall right into it.'' I knew that already. To be honest, why would my dad tell me about those letters if it's not for making me stay? They are an excuse, but I don't think he had invented them completely. I think they exist.

''He will probably be waiting for you; he knows you have got the hint. He made sure you did,'' he explains and I bite my lower lip nervously. Can he just say Yes Grace; you can count on me? It's all I want to hear.

''Please Alex, just come with me or I will go alone,'' I threat and mean it. Alex stays silent for a little while, while I chew at my nails. I need him to talk to me or I will go crazy.

''Does Harry know about your smart plan?'' he inquires, already knowing the answer, he's trying to find reasons to destroy my plan, to convince me not to go. I will go anyway. I don't care, I want to know the truth.

''No'' I bite back and he sighs heavily. Damn Alex for being such a good friend.

''You're not expecting me to lie straight to his face because this, will never happen, not even for you I'm sorry. He's my best friend and I've never lied to him.'' I try to point out that he did the other time but he beats me in time ''Don't you try telling me I already did, because he didn't ask me about what we did, otherwise I would have told him the truth. Plus, this time, it's different, this is a trap and I won't help you. Keeping things from him won't make you gain any points,'' he says breaking me in two.

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