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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

The situation is becoming pretty steamy here. Harry is at the top of me, with his emerald eyes cast deep inside mine. A hand caresses my knee then, falls down where my crotch is and presses right in between my legs so that I will feel the pleasure growing instantly inside my stomach.

He pulls me a bit near him as he works to take off my jeans. I spread my legs open and welcome him in between them, his actions full of desire, my heart and mind full of him.

He sweetly kisses me as his hands run up and down my now bare legs. I reach for his behind and pull out his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans. I play with his curls as I smile to his soft touch. He moves my slips aside and caress my clit a bit.

''Ready chubby bunny?'' I giggle at the brain new nickname and nod as he's about to slide his finger inside.

But his phone rings, and I snort, almost hitting the door with my head.

''Careful chubby, you're going to hurt your pretty little head'' he kisses my forehead but doesn't answer to his screaming phone.

He hushes me with his lips. '' your shirt Grace. take it off'' I comply to his request and he hovers over me as I slowly embrace him, his bulge rubbing slightly against mine, causing me to moan into his lips.

''What do you want Grace? Ask and I will give it to you'' I manage to push him up so that I can pull out his shirt, he's a giant so he has to be careful, the car is too little, even for a truck like this he's too big.

I kiss every tattoos he has, taking little sips as I lick all around, making him whimper.

He pressed me back down and this time he pushes himself against me hard, growling. I playfully take down the strands of my bra, before reaching for the back part. Harry stops me as he goes down till his head is in between my thighs.

''I think I know what you want'' he murmurs as he starts to roll down my underwear. His phone goes off again and I growl in frustration. He takes it out and almost slams it against the car floor.

''Answer, maybe it's important'' I say raising on my elbows. Harry shakes his head and deepens his eyes as he carves for my body. ''Harry'' I say scolding him. ''it won't stop till you either turn off the phone or answer it. it could be something important.'' His eyes flush with anger as he grabs the device from under the seat and puffs in frustration.

''Hello'' he says way to harshly as I get on a sited position. I take my hair out from the bent and let them fall on my back only because I know Harry likes it more this way. ''Mom!'' he growls and rolls his eyes. I find this kind of funny. Mrs. Thatcher always find a way to interfere with me and Harry's intimate moments. She has some kind of radar hidden under her way too short skirt, I'm sure of it.

''You can't wait? Fine. We're coming'' he huffs before hanging up. he places a swift kiss on my lips, sorry for just ditching our happy moment and find his shirt. ''Dinner is ready. And it's getting cold'' he tilts his head around mimicking his mother tone exasperate. I kiss his cheek and he helps me inside my jeans.

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