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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

He reaches for it and smiles as soon as he notices who is.

''Hey mom,'' he says and I stop chopping the vegetables to look at his happy face. It's so silent around here that I can hear what she's saying,

''My beautiful curly-head child,'' she squeaks and Harry rolls his eyes but doesn't fire back. I sit down on the counter and just watch him with interest.

''How are you doing all alone in that big house of ours?'' He glares at me and walks in my direction.

''Pretty good!'' He taps on my thighs distantly. I wonder if he told his mom about me. That I live here and everything.

''How's Paris?'' I use my elastic bend to tie up my hair in a ponytail. Suddenly he grabs the back of my knees and pulls me near so he can fit in between my legs, the phone still stuck in between is face and shoulder.

''It's beautiful. Oh Harry I know you would like it. There are a lot of parks and wonderful cafes, you'd love it here.'' Harry smiles and presses his lips against my neck.

''Naah, I think I'm better here. There's nothing in Paris for me.'' he is looking straight into my eyes making me grin to his words. Does this mean that I'm what he needs? Because Paris is always Paris, damn I'd like to go there. I'd like to go everywhere but this town. I'm so sick of all the memories I have liked to it.

''Mmh. If you say so. Well I have to go to work, son. If you need anything just ring me up. I'll send whatever it is that you need.'' He nods than he remembers she can't see him and says bye to his mom so he can hang up.

''Your mom seems nice. What kind of work does she do?'' I ask lowering my gaze. I'm afraid he'll snap any moment like he did this morning.

''She's a stylist, she designs dresses and staff like that. She's pretty good, may I add.'' I draw some circles on the counter with my finger, I feel uncomfortable to talk about parents. It's not like I have the most beautiful family in the world.

''And your dad?'' He chews on his bottom lip and kiss me on the tip of my nose.

''He's the CEO of a big enterprise. And now he's with my mom trying to take over France, I guess.'' He laughs but I see loneliness in his eyes. Like mine. I'm always feeling alone, with a difference, Harry has someone who really cares about him, I only have my brother who calls once per month.

''He's a badass of a father,'' I joke and he laughs slightly, kissing me on the mouth.

''Yeah. Now let's get to work or I'll starve.''


Harry eventually decides to go to school. He's still weak nevertheless Alex and I work together to keep an eye on him everywhere he goes. People whisper when I walk down the hallways. They look at my no longer exposing outfit and mumble. Sometimes they are too loud so I can hear them, but I don't pay much attention. At lunch, we sit at the same table as Friday, all together. Me, Harry next to me, Alex in front of us along with Amanda. She has her bright smile on but Harry looks at her like she's some kind of freak.

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