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Harry's POV

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Harry's POV.

Next morning at school, Harry doesn't let me free for a second. Always checking if I'm fine, always brushing his lips somewhere on my skin, pretending he doesn't do it on propose. And want to know something, I prefer this to having him away. When I'm attending my second period the same man with the uniform and a very annoyed look comes to ask for me.

My Happiness doesn't last long because Daniel wants to see me. this time I'm completely innocent so I guess Daniel just needs to tell me something. I walk nonchalantly to his office and get inside with my arms crossed. But suddenly I notice a change in his eyes. they are not soft or kind as he learned to look at me lately. They are so dark that there isn't any trace of blue left. I close reluctantly the door behind me even if everything here screams to run. Daniel doesn't sit when I come closer to his desk.

''Grace,'' he says smirking at me. I gulp slightly and lower my gaze glaring at the door. I want to go out of here as faster as I can.

''How are you, girl? It's been long time not to see you'' he greets me and sits himself on the edge of his desk right in front of me. I notice his shirt is unbutton showing a little bit of his chest.

''I'm pretty fine, thanks for asking but...why am I here?'' I force myself to ask and I see Daniel's eyes narrowing around my curves. I folded my arms on my chest and he reluctantly looks up to my face. Nope something is wrong.

''These days I was thinking at you...'' he starts pointing for me to come closer. I don't move and rub my hands on my arms nervously.

''I was thinking about what I've told you,'' he pulls himself off of the desk and starts to circling me. ''I'm not happy, Grace.'' I slide my hands in pockets to pretend not to care of the poor distance that is separating us and try to find my phone. I need to call Harry. this is an emergency.

''What can I do to help you?'' I hesitantly ask. He pushes me against his desk like he wasn't expecting anything else and I hold to it not to fall. My stomach hits the wooden and I suck my breath.

''Well there are a couple of things you can do,'' he says and I turn to look at him confused. I don't actually know what's going on because I thought he was sorry for being such an asshole to me the other day, I saw remorse inside his eyes, I sensed the truth of his words. how this is possible?

''I found my wife hooking up with a boy yesterday Grace. A boy of your same age'' he's angry and upset, maybe I can save the situations before it's too late.

''A boy Grace,'' he repeats closing the space between us. ''I simply told to myself, I can pay her back fucking an even hotter girl than her Blondie little friend. So I thought of you. I tried to stay away Grace, but I simply can't. I'm always seeing your face when I fall asleep. The other night I called a girl with your name while I was smashing her against a wall, I don't even remember where, I was too drunk. I want you Grace'' he whispers and I start to panic. I was hoping people would stop after I made it clear I'm already fucking a boy and he's my bloody hell of a boyfriend but, as always I was wrong. Having a boyfriend doesn't chance a crap. If a person is a dick, he will always be.

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