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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

''Okay'' Harry murmurs when the three men turn to look to us, they seem slightly angry but only with Harry. I can't tell why though.

"Grace, you need to go inside," Harry says, I almost laugh in his face as I pass by him and stand right in front of them. I'm not afraid, I'm don't want to be a coward, I've never been one and a little exercise could really help me at the moment.

"Let's see what those men want first,'' I say, raising my chin like the snobbiest of girls. I almost forgot how sassy I can get when people touch something that's mine. I shouldn't care about the man who lays on the ground bleeding, because he has done terrible things but actually,

I care and there is nothing I can do. I will help him, he's my father after all but I won't forgive him, not even if he begs for it for the rest of his life. We both know it's not something I can simply erase with some sweet words that he can say to me.

"We don't want anything from you, Miss. Only to make this man pay for his debts,'' the older man says. He has grey eyes and dark hair and looks around forty. The other two are basically boys, teenagers may I add but I can't see clearly because it's dark and second of all, they have this black cloth around their mouths also.

"Whatever it is that he needs to settle, I will do it for him.'' Harry grabs me by the hem of my shirt, preventing me from going any further near them and he glares at me like I'm a mad woman.

''Grace, don't. There's three of them and just two of us. Your father can die for all I care but I don't want to see you get hurt for him. He doesn't deserve your love,'' he says, again. Luckily for him the old man speaks and distracts me from any harsh answer. We were having such a lovely time at June's house and now this. Damn.

"You can't pay with money what he soiled with blood, girl. We're just messengers, Mr. James wanted to teach him a lesson, nothing you will ever say or do will make us change the plan.'' I narrow my eyes and then fist my hands, the boy with brown hair leans down to take my father's lifeless body and I take a step towards him.

"Don't touch him. I'm serious,'' I threaten him and he grins. His eyes show crinkles as he ignores my words. Kids are fucking annoying.

That's why I hate being a girl, no one ever takes you seriously. When you talk, it's like they don't see the harshness or the determination in your voice. They see only a pretty face and I hate being considered only a pretty face. I push Harry's hands off of me and move to the boy, grabbing him by the collar, shoving him to the ground. The other boy tries to touch me but Harry steps in, pushing him away. He's tensed and focused on his enemies. He's like a machine made to kill right now and it scares me a little. He's keeping an eye on the older man and the boy while I check the other boy, my eyes burning holes into his figure.

My dad is standing in between us, still not moving. I'm afraid he's dead, but it's just a little delusional because if there is somebody who really needs to teach him a lesson then that is me

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