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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

I manage to write a little message to Harry but don't get the chance to send it because Daniel snatches it from my hands.

''Hey!'' I scream as I stand up to try and get it.

''What's this? is it new? Who bought this fancy phone, that Harry chick Grace?'' he glares at the screen and moves his thumb up and down it, searching for something.

''Oh, you were asking for help '' he points out and I jump one more time. he tries to trick me, leaning down to meet my face half way but I slap my hand on his cheek, as hard as I can. my phone slips from his grip and I catch it before it shatters on the floor, sighing in relief. I don't know what I would have done if it got broken. I care about this phone because it's Harry's present and I don't want to ruin it. I will never forgive myself if it happens.

''You filth bastard'' I utter as I load him, pushing him against his desk. ''Don't try touch me again or I'll swear, I will fucking hit you'' Daniel only smiles at me, grinning like a psychotic as he grabs me by the waist and pulls me into him.

''I like it when you get angry, you're so furious and I want to submit you so badly. I can see why that boy loves you so much. Your eyes are full of strength and wildness.'' I spit in his face but he doesn't let go of me. I want to hurt him but it's not with the force that I can do it. words in this care are much better.

''It will come a time when your daughter will wake up and eventually see how naughty and unctuous you are. She will be so disappointed and you will lose her forever. Amanda lives in a fairy world that it's not real and you think you're helping her out but you're only hurting her. when she will open her eyes, the truth will crush her down, she will not be able to hold the weight and you won't be able to save her. protecting her this way isn't right'' I say with clatter teeth as I punch him on his chest. There is a light knock on the door and his grin instantly loose up. I suddenly get away and try to catch my breath. He's looking around the room like a lost poppy because of my words.

Tracy, his secretary comes in shyly popping her head to see if we're presentable to receive her. once she has assured herself Daniel isn't cheating on her, she walks towards us but basically ignores me completely.

''The parents are here Mr. Cooper. Do you want me to let them in?'' Daniel nods and he points to the seat. I follow his silent order as he walks behind the desk and falls in his black big chair. I know his eyes are on me but I can't think about him right now. I can face a Daniel who's slightly annoying and tries to touch me, fuck I can even deal with ten Christians all together but I'm not ready to deal with my father. not after I've told him I'm done with him once and for all. It's too soon.

The door burst open and Christian's dad, is the first entering followed by Christian, his head down in a stupid attempt to look scared or sorry I don't know which one and to close the queue, there is a woman I saw that day at the charity event, Christian's mother.

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