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Grace's POV

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Grace's POV.

''Stop'' I half yell while moving under Jay's fingers. He's tickling me and I can't breathe.

"That's what you get for calling me Jay," he jokes and I keep on laughing.

Just when I'm about to say something, we get interrupted by someone coughing. Useless to say, I know exactly who it is even without raising my eyes.

''Yes sir,'' I say smiling at Harry while Jay lets me sneak out from his hold. ''Oh, it's you Harry.'' I nonchalantly state as I pick at my nails.

''We would like something to drink'', the noisy girl says and I put on the fakest smile ever, turning to face Jay.

''Jay, your turn.'' Jay narrows his eyes at me playfully and comes closer, looking at me like I'm the most delicious thing in the world. I push him back and he chuckles.

''What do you guys want?'' I inquire, leaning on the counter so that my boobs popup. Harry can't help himself and I grin as I spot him glaring down at my breast before being interrupted by Rain.

''Harry!'' she scolds him and his eyes find mine before he darts his attention back to her. 1-0 for me.

''June!'' I yell passing over Jay and leading to the other side where June is speaking at the phone. She's pretty pissed off. As soon as she sees me, she smiles and gestures for me to wait. She screams twice before hanging up and turns to look at me with a stressed expression on her face.

"Is something wrong?'' I ask and she relaxes her shoulder immediately, pulling me in for an hug.

''Lee is a fucking psycho'' she says and I can't help but giggle, stopping right in the moment when I hear Lee's voice coming from his studio.

''I heard that,'' he states not looking up from his papers and I raise my middle finger at him, sticking my tongue out.

''You know we're right.'' He shrugs his shoulders and ignores us. ''Tell me, maybe I can help you,'' I press and June squeezes me hard.

''This whole thing about the advertising and the photo shoots... the photographer is pissing me off because he wants at least another girl since I backed out. You know, I convinced Lee he needed someone to take care of this, so I cut myself out but we need another girl now.'' I point to Harry's new flame and June frowns before sliding her gaze from me to Harry a couple of times. I sigh trying to beg her not to ask and I keep with what I was about to say.

''Did you ask the brown head attached to Harry's dick? Maybe she can have a little part in this.'' I say and June nods eventually as she lets me go.

''She already said yes.'' Of course she did, I mentally roll my eyes ''I asked Hope and also Rachel. They all said yes, even Crystal." I'm quite surprise at her words because Crystal is like a punk queen with blond long hair and light blue eyes. I think Lee promised them money for this, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it ''But they are not enough, we need another one.'' Her eyelashes start to flutter, her eyes go watery and she puts her hands together, blinking at me. An angel face on as she tries to beg for me.

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